I watched Cry play but he did not complete the game..I think....
I played but it got boring and slow... Idk if i will pick up lol

i liked the story, the graphics were different but pretty cool. love the ending song ~

mindless ~ FUN~ but mostly Mindless KEKEKE

it was interesting. I enjoy cheap horror games and the graphic bring me back to PS2 games

point and click. first game I bought on my pc. meh? LOL also full screen only?

LOLLOLOLOL i like the story and lore. i would love to beat the game but i do not have any skills ;-;

again... no skills~ i didn't make it pass the tutorial.... i'm bad


sexy korean killer men~ fun to play with friends

i am not great at shooter horror games. i played for a bit but i suck. maybe will play but IDK


made me cry, beauiful music and art~ <3

i love love this. the graphic and recreation put into this game makes it wonderful~~~~ though i am not great on the keyboard than on the phone.

too much reading and i ending up skiping text :^) the game was okay but i dont thinki would like to replay it.

i love this game. trying to speedrun it but i am dumb~ the story and gameplay is great.

i keeping dying and the darkness hates me ;-;