Idk what got over me but I randomly told myself I wanted to play through the whole FEAR trilogy as I only ever finished 3 and played halfway through 2. I am SO glad I made this decision because that was a phenomenal game that has me very excited to play through the rest. I have said this and I will always say this but early 2000s FPS game are unmatched in many aspects. This game just did so much right for its time and still holds up very well to this day.

Not going to lie this was one of the biggest disappointments I have had in a very long time. I am a huge battlefield fan and I was very excited for this game but I feel like I don't even need to get into what this game became once it released as you all have heard it time in by this point. I just simply want to say I am immensely disappointed at everyone who worked on the game who thought it was ready for release. The potential is there and this is going to most likely become a typical battlefield launch where it becomes fantastic down the line but I mean is that really a good thing that we have to wait over a year for the game we should have gotten at launch?

Pretty fun game with weird issues on the console version. Stuttering was prevalent with this game as every time you walked through a door the game would stutter for a little and it got quite annoying as I continued my playthrough. Past that it was fun shooting hordes of aliens down with other people online but the missions got very repetitive quickly as the formula for each level was literally the same exact thing. Overall if you have gamepass this game is now on their so I see no reason to at least give this one a shot.

I am not going to lie I am glad I came back to this game after trying it when it first came out and dropping it quickly. This game really clicked with me on my re visit playthrough and I can say I thoroughly enjoyed this game. There are a lot of issues and annoying bugs and my biggest complaint still are the werehog levels but I didn't find them that terrible this time around I just really wish they were not as long as they were sometimes. For me where this game really shined was its daytime levels, world , OST and characters its such a awesome and unique sonic game and its sad we will probably never see a sonic game like this again. If you played this game and gave up on it I say give it another shot especially if you have an Xbox one series x as it got a FPS boost to 60 on the BC version on xbox one.

Like I said I am very glad I came back to this game.

Disappointing sequel. The sequel tried to do way to much and failed in mostly every department from the stealth part to the driving sequence and so on. Yes the game looks nice and the shooting segments are still fun as I remember but just so much was wrong about this sequel to me. On the bright side this was giving as a freebie if you owned the first game which was very nice of them to do but I would never in my life recommend this game for $20.

Such a unique and fun puzzle game. I actually found myself looking at every single item throughout the years to get more clues on how the characters life was going. 100% recommend this game even more so if you have xbox game pass as this game is on game pass!. These are the type of experiences that I really will find myself remembering as time goes on I just really love relaxing games.

I was looking forward to this one and I was severely disappointed during my walkthrough. So much just felt off about this version of colors that by the end I had no urge to do any collecting or playing the side modes in the game I just wanted to finish and remove the game from my library.

Overall a very solid entry into the series. Not much to say if you have played any wario ware game you know what you are getting into. But I will say I really do enjoy how each character is used in the mini games and have their own style. I also really do like the weekly ranking modes it gives you more reason to boot up the game at least a couple times a week !

A very fun 3rd person shooter that holds up to this day. Played this game on 360 when it first released but I had to urge to revisit it when the PC version go new free DLC. Playing through the story mode again and playing online modes again really makes me remember just how much fun this game is. The only downside is for some reason due to the new free DLC they added on steam they as well hiked up the price of the game to $60 which makes zero sense at all.

Highly recommend when it has a big sale on steam.

After about 30 hours of gameplay I can say this is one of my favorite gacha games. I guess that doesn't mean a lot when I am not the biggest into the genre but this game is just so much fun that I can bypass the gacha. While having a energy to play system you can a couple of hours of gameplay from the sheer amount of the content the game has and some content doesn't even require the usage of energy. All in all if you are looking for a gacha game that has a very fun combat system, story and characters then give this a go its free of course and is now on steam!

Not a bad arena fighter. If they could fix some online issues and add some much needed functions for the online modes this would become a better package but as it stands online has some serious issues that needs fixing asap.

Not the biggest arena fighter person but I somewhat enjoyed this game. Not much to really say if you are a one piece fan you probably have already played this game.

I actually thought this was a solid entry into the Far Cry series. I really enjoyed the story and cast of characters were very enjoyable throughout the journey. I would have given this game an 8 but the matter of the fact is the gameplay really hasn't evolved much and while still fun it doesn't really do much difference for me. Overall very good far cry game though.

I don't even want to waste my breath talking about this game I already wasted enough of it just finishing the first part of the story.

Boring and tedious.