I was thinking very hard about if I should give this game a 5 or 6 out of 10 but I am going to settle for a 5. The ending got me very good as a fan of FF1 the story and twist are awesome and if you are a fan of FF1 as well you will very much enjoy this story. Past that combat is fun but that's it there is nothing else to this game that I can say is good or amazing it just has fun combat and a awesome story but everything else is average to bad.

I recommend this game on sale if you are a FF1 fan past that I would not recommend this game to anyone I will be forgetting about this game soon enough lol.

Was fun at first but as I did more and more playthroughs the gameplay really started to weigh on me with its annoying aiming. Past that this is a pretty decent and unique SHUMP/BEMUP that has BB hood which already makes it a classic for me LOL.

This game is a true hidden gem. The world of LiR is beautiful and the charm is through the roof with just about everything from the world to the many characters you come across throughout your adventure. The combat itself is alright it really didn't do that much for me when I hit the halfway point of the game since there wasn't really much of a reason to experiment with your deck as swapping out a few cards gave you a deck you could just use for the whole game. I honestly would say the combat is the weakest point of this game but it doesn't hold it back to much there is still fun to behold with the combat.

Overall I really enjoyed my time with this game and I hope more people give this one a go!

I felt just about the same with Gunbird 2 as I did with Gunbird 1 so I will keep this one short.

Awesome level designs and very fun characters to play overall. I honestly really loved the multiple endings in both games and thought they were funny. I will say however this game was WHOOPING my butt as there is a huge difficulty spike from the 1st game onto the sequel. With that being said that really isn't an issue as that really comes down to my skill level which is pretty low with shumps so I never let difficulty effect my rating in the end since I still overly enjoy these games.

Overall I really enjoyed both games :) great time!

That was a very fun Shump!! fun character pool to choose from and perfect difficulty balance. I really like how there are so many difficulty options allowing you to keep turning it down or up until you find a difficulty that is perfect for you.

With that being said the game isn't that complicating its honestly very simple but I personally do not mind it at all after playing so many Shumps in my time I was very down for a more simple easier shump. Doesn't hurt the experience in anyway though! this game has tons of charm.

Onto gunbird 2.

Decent Roguelike game with some very annoying things. Like enemy attack patterns that you really can't do anything about but take damage, some stages having way to much going on with enemies and stage hazards which can make things very annoying. VERY terrible space ship shooter sequence that just played horrible. But with that all said the core game is very fun and I really like how the perm upgrades and timed upgrades work it really makes you think and makes you mix and match on what might work the best. Some people have issues with the difficulty spike later on in the game but personally I was 100% okay with this since I found the early levels way to easy I think the spike in toughness was needed.

Story was okay at best with a terrible ending that leaves off on a huge cliffhanger for an ending that we may never see lol.

Overall I do not regret my time with this game but as I continued more and more and more the game just started to become way more annoying as it introduced very annoying enemies later on. I bought this game on sale and I would 100% recommend this game on sale!

Never played this one back in the day so it was cool to be able to play it on a newer gen console with even a Physical release of the game.

Overall this is a pretty fun Side scrolling beat em up with a interesting blocking mechanic and some cool bosses. My issues lay mainly with the final boss being such a big letdown and a very boring fight. Past that I do recommend this game !

This is a damn near perfect game that has simply blown me away in many ways. Sitting at 63 hours there is still so much to explore and do that its honestly mind boggling how much content is shoved into this game. I have finished the main storyline however which is why I am doing this review but know there is SO much else to do. However I am currently having a blast invading other people and doing PVP duels with other people so that has taken up more time for me. I really don't know what else to say with this game I mean if you love souls game you 100% have already bought this game and are probably in love with it as well.

If you are new and don't know if you would enjoy it I still 100% recommend this game I have about 3-4 friends who were NEVER into souls games and found them to hard and annoying but all bought elden ring and have been in love with this game so yes I do recommend highly for newcomers as well. The game may be tough and you may be stuck on a boss for awhile but it is rewarding to beat a boss and you are always able to summon other people online to help you defeat any boss that you are stuck at.

And don't let people tell you how to play this game. If you find a OP weapon or build use it. If you want to CO OP every boss do it. If you want to cheese every boss that is cheeseable do it. This game is always meant to be played HOW you want to play and enjoy it. Never let others tell you what you can or can't do with souls games.

Not a bad game by anymeans but I personally lost interest in this game after a bit of time. Might pick it up again later !

To give the quick run down its a wario ware type of game where the game you play changes every 10 seconds. Your goal throughout each mini game is to collect as many marbles as you can to eventually use for a Pachinko type of machine to earn collectibles. For only $6 if this peaks your interest I say give it a go it is a fun time for a bit but sadly did not retain my enjoyment that Wario Ware games usually do.


Sitting at almost 20 hours of gameplay I think its about time I talk about KOF15!

FGs is one of my if not my all time favorite genre of video games since a kid. Within my love for FGs also stood my love KOF but I was always bad at the series and stayed pretty bad at the games all the way through until 15 so I never really got that deep into KOF due to this. But something clicked with me and I actually begun to learn 15 and I have to say the game is simply amazing. Very fun cast of characters , combos , stages, OST and GREAT online play really makes for a fantastic fighting game all around. I am very glad I didn't let my past experience with the series stop me from buying this game.

Yes this is a tough fighting game but if you are looking for a great game with great rollback netcode then look no further. I have been very pleased with most FG companies implementing rollback into their games it makes me very happy.

Boring and very confusing experience that is saved by the awesome pixel artwork and cool repeating tune. While its free I just don't see a reason to play this game I left it feeling nothing but confusing and just an overall "meh" feeling.

Really not sure why I played this as much as I did? it was probably because I have such big nostalgia for the OG Crossfire I was hoping I could find something good with this game but I simply couldn't. This is such a clunky FPS game it damn near feels unplayable due to how terrible the aiming can be on control it really made me scratch my head as to why they didn't release this game on PC as well.

Simply a waste of time that none of you should play even though its on gamepass.

While my journey is nowhere near done I have almost 50 hours in game and am currently doing end game content. I LOVE Lost ark this is the MMO I have truly been waiting for and while some may not enjoy the usual MMO tropes if you are able to past the early game you are in for a treat. Honestly if you bomb rush the story reaching end game does not take long at ALL compared to most MMO titles and you can very much skip side quests even though some give good rewards. For me this game does many things right with its end game but it also does something else right for me that I have been waiting for in MMOs for so long. PVP. This game has an amazing PVP that is non P2W and is playable the moment you unlock it as all armor and stats are equalized so it is pure skill based.

All in all the combat is fun, end game is fun, and PVP is a blast. I mean the game is free just give it a go and like I say if you hate the usual early game grind to end game just rush through the story and you will hit endgame a lot quicker then say FF14.

You know when I first started the game I wasn't enjoying that much it really felt like a downgraded version of Dying light one. But as I continued playing and unlocked more skills and got engrossed into the world with its character I will say this games becomes so much better as you start unlocking more skills and just continue with its story. And by the end of it all I found myself immensely enjoying Dying light 2 but sadly it was held back a BIT by its various bugs and issues and sometimes confusing performance issues on PC. Hell I even got hit with a Blue screen of death because of this game that others ran into which luckily never happened again but none the less was scary to encounter lol.

Overall very fun game that I feel is worth its price tag ! there is so much content in this game.

Very fun game! For only $3 you get so much content out of it and its very addictive so you will see yourself wanting to play one more game. Highly recommend if you want an addicting Roguelike with very simple controls !