A phenomenal follow up to a very unique first game. I wasn't sure what to expect when I headed into the sequel but I was greeted with an IMMENSE leap in quality from literally every single aspect of the game. This is simply a fantastic game with amazing dialogue, Art, OST and everything else. I will put a trigger warning as once again this game deals with a lot of depression subjects so be aware if you don't think you will be able to handle such subjects. Past that this is simply a must play for all VN fans.

This is what you call a sequel.

This game was such a fun top down Roguelike. Reminded me of Enter the gungeon and if that alone peaked your interest then I highly recommend giving this game a go ! it has a perfect difficulty curve and very fun characters to unlock and use. I just finished my first true ending walkthrough and it was a great time. There is a lot to enjoy about this one here :)

Will update to completed once I play more but I just finished the "story" for the game and so far it has been a blast. Enjoying this immensely and possibly even more then MHW I just really enjoy your doggie buddy and I love the movement in Rise it feels so much more fluid and really adds more to the combat for the game.

This is honestly a solid ( re entry???) into the series and honestly makes me happy to see it come to the xbox. I didn't play much of the PS4 version which I heard its based off of but there is a very awesome song selection to choose from with a lot of surprises since I wasn't expecting some of the songs I saw to be in this game LOL. Past that there is online which I played a couple times and seems fine but my main issue with this game is unlocking songs and outfits. It takes 3K coins to buy just one song and you make at most 100-150 coins per song unless you full combo every song you play or rainbow combo every song you play. So yes this game is very grindy which I am not a fan of I wish they would drop the price on songs and outfits or at least up the amount of coins you make per son because it is already getting annoying. Past that this is on gamepass so give it a go! although I have heard that the PC version is having serious issues currently so idk if they have patched anything.

I for sure would have been more harsh on this title if it wasn't on gamepass lol.


While being a very short VN it is a very unique and interesting experience diving into the mind of a traumatized person dealing with Many issues ranging from Insecurity , depression and social anxiety. It is on sale for under a dollar currently and will give you about 20 minutes of gametime but if you are a VN fan I say give this a go and it as well has a sequel !

I have not played Yu-GI-Oh since GX so starting this game was a weird experience for me since I have heard so much about what the game has formed into. For a little I thought it would be daunting so I asked some friends to help me make a deck that would be easy to use and fun to play and once I finished that deck I set out online and honestly I have been having a blast with this game. Idk what this game will be like down the line but for now they give you A LOT of gems and crafting material and special pack bundles to get you started and if you use those resources correctly and know what deck you want to build and use Secret packs correctly to build into that deck you can infact build a meta ready ranked deck having to spend $0. This to me is a big deal since it really gives me a chance to actually enjoy ranked and not have to worry about much besides waiting 43924239 minutes going against some decks.

All in all its F2P and is very fair to new players with what they give you so I 100% giving this game a shot. The one thing I will say however is the ranked matchmaking is pretty terrible even more so once you hit plat league but hey even if you don't like online play there is single player content to do in this game as well which I highly recommend doing in general since you get a lot of gems/cards from it.

Wanted to come back and Play through the DLC before DL2 came out since I never did and overall was a fun experience. There are still some parts of DL that I am not a fan of that I hope are more panned out in the 2nd game but still the story is very nice and the characters in this world are likeable. I am sure at this point if you played DL1 you already played through this DLC so there isn't much else to say.

This review is ONLY for ARAM as that is the only mode I really wanted to play hoping onto the mobile app for league. And with that being said the scratch will for sure get itched if you are looking for quick burst rounds of ARAM the mobile app is very fluid and just works well with league.

This was a pleasant surprise ! did not know what to expect heading into this game but I left having a lot of fun! fun platformer with nice characters and okayish levels made for an overall good experience. Would recommend on sale !

Excellent short and sweet Castlevania type game. I played this through Gamepass and just for that alone I will say this is a MUST play. BEWARE that I have heard that sadly the PC gamepass version of this title is very unplayable so if you try to play this through gamepass PC you won't probably have a good time. If you own a xbox one and have Gamepass then that is the preferred way to play this title or the steam version.

Everything just felt right about this title from the Map itself to the difficulty and combat. The story itself is very interesting and it was a shock to find out that this was based of an Anime series of the same name which I had no idea but I still understood the game's story so I don't assume you need any Anime knowledge to play this one unless you want to know more about the characters from the game. I didn't really have many issues with the game as my playthrough was very fun and never was there a moment where I disliked this short journey. If you like castlevania games this is easily a must play!

And here we are. The final FEAR game and boy what a bad note to end on. You know the game isn't that terrible to its core the gunplay is pretty fun and the story is still interesting but the matter of the fact is this is NOT a fear game and is a terrible FEAR game. And while I say the story is interesting I will also say I do not like how they handled specific things with specific characters that I won't get into for spoiler reasons. And I wasn't a fan of the atmosphere in 3 it really lost the creepiness and dreadful feeling that FEAR 1 and 2 have. Overall it could have been a lot worse but due to how amazing FEAR 1 is and how meh FEAR 2 is people were really hoping for 3 to bring so much to the table and it failed in a lot of ways and really rubbed the fan base the wrong way which I can understand but playing this game in 2022 is really interesting in many ways. I say just don't go into this game expecting the greatness that FEAR 1 brought to the FPS genre just go into 3 expecting a COD game in the FEAR world and maybe you might have a decent time.

Alright and down goes fear 2!! nowhere near as good as 1 but I still liked it a LITTLE more then I did when I first played this game way back then. Very generic FPS but I honestly really like the world and lore of Fear that I felt like that alone is what kept me going in the end. I still recommend giving it a go as some may enjoy it more then I did just do not expect the masterclass field that FEAR 1 brought.

God the sequel was just great!. Very fun gameplay , awesome characters and a nice story to follow it really makes this trilogy VERY worthy of playing. I am beyond excited to start the 3rd game very soon. Highly recommend this series if you haven't played it.

While I enjoyed Extraction point more I found that Perseus Mandate was still a very solid expansion. I think what I hated the most about the expansion was finishing it because now I have no more fear 1 to play. Like Extraction if you have Fear 1 on PC or fear files you have access to this DLC so of course play it its a good and creepy time !

This was a very good expansion for fear 1. It has some moments that genuinely creeped me out and scared me. Overall it was worth it but it has some really weird difficulty spikes but I played on hard so it might not be as bad on normal. Anyways if you have Fear 1 on PC then you have this expansion automatically so its for sure worth playing through.