There are very few games that give me a specific feeling of happiness and just feeling Nostalgic while playing but A hat in time did just that. From the characters to each world and level layout this game is a blast to play through and quickly became my all time favorite platformer. On top of that the PC version even has a whole modding scene since Steam workshop is on the game giving players a infinite amount of levels to play as they are created.


My first Ys game and boy I quickly fell in love with this series right after finishing this game. Amazing characters, story, music and world I highly recommend you give this game a try if you like Action RPG games this is a good starting point for people who have never played Ys.

Such a classic and a game I can always come back and enjoy as much as the first time I played it. I highly recommend this game it still holds up to this day and is available on steam !

One of the most unique xbox 360 experiences ever. Even though I knew about 0 of the questions and just hopped my friends knew.

This game really took me by surprise. When it first got announced I really was not into it and brushed it off but the moment I heard the game was going to be a third person Rougelike Shooter I was on board right away. I am very glad I thought this way because this game was a masterfully crafted experience and one that I see myself coming back and playing more down the line. From the gameplay to its story this game was Phenomenal and easily worth the asking price of $70 I highly recommend it !

Good story mixed with gameplay that quickly wares off this game was not fun at all lol.

An interesting trip down memory lane ! the game sadly shows it age with some very annoying segments but overall was still the fun game I remembered from back in the days.

Had a very good time with this game ! apart from some very confusing segments the overall experience was fun and unique. I recommend this even more so if you have Xbox gamepass since the game is on it !


Beautiful graphics and beautiful world. I liked the characters but my main issue was the story itself I just did not like the story and the RPG gameplay imo sucked. With that being said I had some fun exploring the world but in the end it didn't work for me. This game is on Xbox Gamepass which I feel like saves this from a lower score but in general I say give this a go if you have gamepass!

I have a bad tendency to try and finish games I am not enjoying and I wanted to try and stop doing that. Darksiders 3 will fit within that category because I simply did not enjoy this game one bit from its combat to annoying world design since they thought it would be a smart idea to have no map. I just cannot see myself finishing this one.

Alright so here is the thing with this game. It is actually fun when it wants to work and the story I did not care for at all but my issue which is a HUGE problem is how terrible this game was optimized for the base xbox one . I played this game through the gamepass which I feel like saved the score a little but this game has serious bugs , glitches and hell even crashes on the base xbox one. Frame drops left and right and audio issues I mean the list goes on and on for this version of the game and with that being said it made the experience more painful then fun by the end and it sucks because I know this game is fun but there is nothing I can do about a crap version of a game.

I really enjoyed this game! glad I came back after many years to sit down and play this game because it is special. This is more of a 3.5 out of 5 but I am going to knock it down to a 3 due to the controller issues on PC and some annoying segments and some really bad camera work but overall this is a very overlooked Horror game that I believe should get a remaster of some sorts for this gen. I know it has been talked about with this game being released around RE4 release so I won't get into that here. All in all if you are looking for a similar RE4 experience with a cool environment then look no further give this one a go! just keep in mind the PC version does have some controller issues but they aren't bad enough to ruin the game experience you just have to work with it.

This is a very fun game with some really stupid issues that hold it back from a higher score. While this game is free to play one of the most basic functions in video game history is locked behind a $10 pay wall which is playing with your friends???? past that you don't even get the in game battlepass with this $10 purchase so that is another $10 for the battlepass so yeah some very dumb decisions holding back a rather very fun bomber man game.

My first Ratchet and clank game and it was very enjoyable ! beautiful graphics , fun variety of weapons and fun levels. I would say the only few things I didn't like were the easy difficulty even on hard and the bosses felt very lack luster to me. Overall very fun fan and I am excited for the new one coming out!

Highly recommend !

The fact that this is free with PS+ is already amazing enough. Past that what you have here is an updated version of an amazing fighting game with pretty decent - good netcode. The netcode can vary but in MY personally experience I have had way more good connection matches then bad ones. If you have a PS4-5 and PS+ there is no reason to not play this game as there is both offline and online modes for everyone to enjoy. The only downside is that there doesn't seem to be quest mode which was such a fun mode but that is the only downside I can think of.

Highly recommend.