Game is good. Wish they made the dialogue easier to read sometimes.

Game is Satisfying a Cute for about 30 minutes then it just becomes a brainless gameplay loop that realistically doesnt become interesting. Could be a mobile game.

"OMG. I got 4 wrong what is this a whale, a dolphin...Like what is this"

Its a DAMN coconut. HOW?

Just a simple bullet hell game. Very satisfying HUD though and the game just feels extremely smooth.

I cant play Souls games, but this one. This one is scratches a itch.

Couldnt get past the beginning area. legit could not figure out where to go. Seemed like a cool idea behind a pokemon game too

Seemed like a really relaxing game but when I saw it would take 3 days for my fish to grow up I realized this is just another mobile AFK game.

All I wish was that people actually played the good minigames instead of spamming racing gamemode


The controls for this game should be a war crime

Painfully average platformer with a subpar soundtrack.

Also this game is annoyingly difficult

Pretty Enjoyable game. Soundtrack and Sound Design is actually really good. Tons of gameplay as well. But dice = rng and rng = not happy.

Fun but man is it damn difficult.

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Whoever thought the text only version of the game was a good idea needs to pack thier bags