Ive only got to the 3rd episode but rn gameplay is so repetitive. Story is good though will definitely finish in the future

Honestly runs like a PS3 game and the plot is lowkey pretty trash

I cant play Souls games, but this one. This one is scratches a itch.

Seemed like a really relaxing game but when I saw it would take 3 days for my fish to grow up I realized this is just another mobile AFK game.

Good Fighting Game Make me Happy

Couldnt get past the beginning area. legit could not figure out where to go. Seemed like a cool idea behind a pokemon game too

I might just be nationally ranked one of the worst players at this game

Best Story for a fighting game ive played. Music is top tier

Pretty Enjoyable game. Soundtrack and Sound Design is actually really good. Tons of gameplay as well. But dice = rng and rng = not happy.

Painfully average platformer with a subpar soundtrack.

Also this game is annoyingly difficult

I main Baiken because she is so cool

(totally not for any another reason)


The controls for this game should be a war crime

Funny characters and charming just not a whole lot

Music is great and art style is cool but man the perspective sometimes is sooo bad in my opinion

"OMG. I got 4 wrong what is this a whale, a dolphin...Like what is this"

Its a DAMN coconut. HOW?