I dont care what anyone says this is the best COD game of all time

All Halo games in 1 game (Except Halo 5 and Wars)

How could you complain

Best Story for a fighting game ive played. Music is top tier

Only thing keeping it from a 5 is I have to pay to play lady gaga songs

Ive only got to the 3rd episode but rn gameplay is so repetitive. Story is good though will definitely finish in the future

The game is mad fun except the gameplay functionality is so out of tune. Great original Idea and Funny cutscenes

Legit any board game in 1 game. Controlling the table can be wonky sometimes tho.

Great story. Subpar gameplay, just walking simulator with small interactions. More of a story experience that is still pretty good.

This game is so bad. Change my mind.

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I actually got so scared when it turnt my shit to windowed

Fire game got wiped by Fortnite

I might just be nationally ranked one of the worst players at this game

Funny characters and charming just not a whole lot

Music is great and art style is cool but man the perspective sometimes is sooo bad in my opinion