120 Reviews liked by Klaustrix

Wandersong is a cute game about a guy who sings, it's really great and I really enjoyed the story.

such a cute and fun game with a beautiful story

i cried way too much. It's really cute and it really deserves a try from pretty much anybody

Member of British government internet monitoring group attempt to arrest unlicensed software devs before being pulled into internal affairs and murder. Entertaining character details like the dad writing fan fiction and good appropriately ridiculous corporate websites and slogans. Poor arrest and evidence system doesn't fit linear story and can cause some plot issues. Having to type things in the correct way on a fake internet/root directory can lead to some confusing moments.

Metroidvanias never looked so good. To be honest I find the characters hard to relate to. The conclusion was emotionally impactful, I just found that I was not as invested in its story as I was with the first game.

Also I choked up during a side mission. Maybe a first for me, can’t remember haha



"Worries go down better with soup than without it." This is a Yiddish proverb. I am told, at least; my relationship with Jewish culture is a little messy. But I think of this saying often. Soup holds a kind of venerated position in Ashkenazi cuisine. Kreplach, matzo balls, mushroom barley, all that. It’s a staple. My dad, who provides my Jewish half, ironically, doesn’t enjoy soup much. He finds it boring. But the simplicity of a good soup is often it’s appeal. When we say “soup”, what do you think of? There are cold gazpachos and hot and sours, of course, but I think most of the time we think of hot, salty broth. The soup is clear but heavy, simple but filling. Soup is a potent food when it comes to meaning; it immediately conjures care, home, nourishment, warmth. Soup is hot, soothing, healing. Bad times with soup are better than bad times without soup.

In Below, knowing how to make a good soup is essential. After all, it is a game filled with worries. Soup will save your life. Each time you make it to a campfire, you get the chance make more soup, something that will carry you further into the depths. I won’t go as far as to say that the campfire feels like home. It, like your own little character’s life, is fleeting, and trapped in a dungeon. You constantly grow hungrier, thirstier, colder; you are creature of temperature and appetite, and you must abide by your bodily needs. That decay is a constant that defines Below. While you may know where the next campfire lies, you never know what lies between you and it. You have to be weary of each step and prepared for each sword swing. But for a moment, when you’re next to the fire, you can stop, breathe and nourish yourself. The campfire is an opportunity to replenish your supplies. To take a breather. To warm your bones. To make more soup.

There is a tragedy to Below's legacy. Generally, folks have seemed to be either underwhelmed and annoyed with it. It had been in development for over 5 years, announced during the bright and hot summer at E3 2013, and it was released in the cold winter nights of 2018. As it lead up to release, I got the creeping sensation that it was going to flop. And I think I was right. In an interview with Newsweek, Kris Piotrowski (Creative Director at Capybara Games) said “It's very important for there to be some people who make something very specific. And maybe you're not going to like this. But somebody else will fucking love it.” I think it is pretty clear that it will be divisive from it’s first moments: the first thing you see in the game is a long, slow zoom on a single little ship in the ocean, for several minutes. For me, I adored every moment of this crawl, but I think others will immediately shut the game off.

I’ll call it an unsung masterpiece for a specific reason: there are underrated masterpieces out there that I love a lot, but Below doesn’t even really have a ride-or-die fanbase. It released to tepid praise and hasn’t had a second wind. Part of the issue is that Below lacks a lot of character. That’s not to say it is not impressive. It is visually stunning to look at: the tilt shifted camera, the muted tones, the geometric geography and architecture. And the sound design is some of the best I’ve encountered in I think maybe any game. No, the issue isn’t a lack of presentation, but a lack of flair. There are so few discernable qualities. There aren’t any memorable characters, no flashy boss battles, no unique settings. Even mechanically, there is little that stands out about Below. I can give you the high level pitch, of course: it’s a procedural death labyrinth with survival elements. But will that pitch actually sell anyone on the game? I doubt it.

Which is a shame, because despite that lack of character, Below is expertly crafted and pretty beautiful.

If I had to use one word to describe Below, it would be “dread”. Every single surface of this game is covered in dread. Each sound, each inch of dirt is both beautiful and eerie in the same breath. Below’s environment is incredibly dark, often necessitating the use of a torch or the lantern. The game is set to a distance from your player character that dwarfs them; there’s this tilt-shift effect that makes everything seem minuscule. I found myself hunching over (more than usual) to squint at the darkness surrounding me. Shadows cast against the floor, the glowing eyes of beasts, prey in your periphery. The soundtrack by Jim Guthrie often sounds less like music and more like the groans of the earth itself. And if it’s not an ominous hum, it’s a somber, thoughtful ambiance, the wind brushing through the grass and the waves crashing on the shore. Sounds echo through the caves, scrapes of stones and trickles of water, the chitters and growls of something hunting you. You crawl into dark, terrible and ancient sepulchers, lined with death and sorrow. The distant scrapes and dark corridors become a canvas on which to paint your deepest fears.

Every time you die, you hear this sound. It’s a strange, sinister bellow, a deathly horn. And when you respawn, a new wanderer drifting onto that same rainy shore? That same haunting bellow sounds. As if to say, “This will happen again.”

Below is a difficult game. At times to a fault; there are a few death traps in there that are genuinely cruel. You’ll die a lot, and it’s a big part of the experience. You play not as a single adventurer, but dozens of them. Each death is final, and you play as a successor to the poor doomed soul who met their end in the caverns below. Below is an incredibly slow kind of difficulty. Combat is a deliberate, punishing affair. Sprinting through a room will often lead to a swift death. Your inventory space, too, is incredibly limited. You have sixteen slots for food and sixteen for materials. Personally, I am an inventory hoarder. I will maximize the use of every pound I can carry. But Below, in its limitations, has liberated me from this curse by forcing me to get rid of anything I truly don’t need. Any slot with an unneeded stick or stone is taking up space that could be taken by arrows or bandages. Be careful what you pack. Often you may die because you didn’t have enough materials on hand. Many deaths are deaths by attrition. Many players, I imagine, are going to feel these deaths are overly punishing. I certainly did, at times. But I also recognized that it was core to what the game was doing. It is an easy mistake, I think, to assume Below would be better if it wasn’t a Roguelite. There are lots of games like that nowadays, where the proc-gen structure seems more to be a mechanic on a dart board rather than a deliberate choice. But Below, really, can only be a Roguelite. Because structurally, it isn’t about beating the game. Having to delve even deeper with each death just to make progress can be intimidating. You’ll often lose a lot of materials, too. You can find your body with its wares still on it, now only a dry skeleton. How long has it been? Months? Years? I couldn’t say. But only take what you need.

At its most tense, Below’s dungeon crawling is either a desperate sprint or desperate struggle. On certain floors, you’ll sprint like your life depends on it, because it quite literally does. At the same time, you’ll have to be careful to dodge attacks or not to trigger any traps. So these marathons begin to ebb and flow from trepidation to a frantic sprint. At other times, Below puts you up against the wall. You feel surrounded, outmatched, overwhelmed. I wanted to flail in retaliation like a wild animal had leaped up against me, please, God, anything to get this thing away from me. But you have to be patient. Put up your shield. Wait to parry. Dodge their attacks. At these times, you need to be careful and patient, but also keep moving. Your hunger and thirst aren’t going to slow down. No matter which of these modes you end up playing in at a given time, Below’s most suspenseful moments are at the middle of a tug of war between a need to rush and a need to be as careful as possible. There is a specific area in the game (Floor 14 onwards, for those who know the game) that is genuinely one of the most dreadful levels in any game I’ve ever played; every single time I step foot in that place, my heart starts pounding, a frantic and desperate crawl through the darkness, pulled between the tension of needing to go slowly but needing to go faster. It’s dreadful. But I persevere. I make it through. Eventually.

Success in Below is not overcoming a mountain. It is about going deep down. There is no dragon in Below. No corrupt king, no great sea serpent, no devils or demons. There is nothing here for you to conquer. There are maybe one or two things I would call “boss battles”, but the biggest obstacles in Below are impossible to even scathe. Below is not a game about accomplishment. It’s a game about mastery. The game teaches you almost nothing about how to play; most mechanics have to be discovered by the players. And if you make it far enough, you begin to realize the goal is not descent, but the collection of these items called shards you discover with your lantern. And suddenly, it clicks into place. Succeeding in Below does not come from a single fell swoop, but a series of knicks. It comes from a series of successive runs. You stand on the shoulders of a thousand dead wanderers who you will join soon enough. By the later hours of Below, your player character(s) will not become any stronger. But you have learned so much. You know where to find the materials to make bombs, or how to make bandages, or how to get to the deepest pits of the island in only a few minutes. You begin to realize that you actually don’t lose much with each death. Sure, you might lose a hefty sum of crystals, or a stockpile of arrows and bandages, or a piece of gear you were saving, but there are ample ways to farm materials, and you can always find that gear again. Your goal is not to descend deeper, but to collect these shards with your lantern. And acquiring those shards is far less about slaughtering and spelunking, and more about knowing and understanding the cave systems of this island. You gain mastery, gain an understanding, of the world of Below. You find comfort in the little rituals you develop, of going and gathering picking supplies and hunting for materials, of making soup. It is a game about, despite all the insurmountable dread, finding a way forward anyway.

Again, there’s little I can say that will sell you on Below. There’s no big twist or hook to pull you in. It is just a nearly-perfectly designed game. Like a good soup, Below doesn’t look like much on the outside. But it’s a product of profound craftsmanship. It’s a stew of mechanics which compliment eachother precisely, a perfectly balanced mixture. And maybe once you’ve taken a spoonful, you’ll find that you think it’s a little boring. But give it time, pay close attention to it, understand it’s balance, and you might find that it grows on you, and you can recognize it as a rich and masterfully made experience.

Zachtronics games are at their best when they are abstracted enough to expose some interesting aspect of programming without just being assembly coding. Opus Magnum is the best example of this -- its ballet of alchemic operations represented in physical space allows you to experiment with timing, parallel processing, and register management without muddying things with syntax and op codes.

Exapunks unfortunately leans more towards the TIS-100 and Shenzhen I/O side of things, with a thin layer of story and mechanics over top of direct assembly coding. As someone who writes code professionally, this never appeals to me. It is too fiddly and clunky to really expose the fun parts of programming and I find myself challenged more by the syntax and idiosyncrasies than the actual problems the game is presenting.
I wanted Exapunks to explore hacking in the same abstracted way as Opus Magnum does alchemy, with mechanics that let you explore the world of network security, data manipulation, and crime, but it isn't really interested in that.

The narrative and world building over top of this game are well done and sort of present a cool window into this world. It didn't seem to be doing anything super unique, but it is telling a hacker story clearly inspired by Neuromancer and doing a competent job of it.

If you like Zachtronics games that hew closer to the metal, this one definitely scratches that itch. I wish it clicked with me more than it does, but I just can't get behind this implementation of programming for fun.

never going to live up to the original

I usually really enjoy walking simulator games like Gone Home. I bought this one precisely for that reason. However, while Gone Home is a good game, it never reaches the highs of other games with its same level of praise.

Because a walking simulator's story is so focal, its quality is essentially the quality of the game. Gone Home starts off very suspenseful and intriguing, but as it goes on it loses these things and turns in multiple predictable ways. It's unfortunate because the story feels strong at the beginning, but as more is uncovered you start to understand that the story here isn't too crazy or shocking.

From the beginning, the main story with Sam seems to be the only thing "wrong" with the family, but by the end, you realize it's the only thing that went "right". It's not bad, just strange for a game in a genre so heavily focused on delivering twists and unexpected stories that keep me interested.

Good narrative play. Sometimes dark and mysterious, but interesting. Unfortunately, it seemed hollow in places and I wish there was more stuff to the story. The plot is quite simple and obvious already at the beginning to the middle of the game, although all of its nuances are described literally in the last minutes. Nevertheless, the game has its own style and will definitely appeal to many people.

One of the many games available that reminds players why video games are so unique as an interactive storytelling medium. You couldn’t adapt Hypnospace Outlaw into a TV show or a movie. The user experience itself is inextricably linked to the events as they unfold. There are hundreds of blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moments, hundreds of corners of dying websites left unexplored – behind the goofy late 90s internet pastiche is real sincerity and wistful melancholy.

It dawned on me as I approached the end of the game, searching for clues, leads, anything that might lead to my next big bust. I was mindlessly clicking on links. I found myself back at the Hypnospace newspage. I clicked on one of the many headlines: “Tragedy in the Middle-East”. I read the first sentence, “204 confirmed dead after coalition forces bombed a medical facility believed to house terrorist operatives.”

I didn’t understand. I’d spent the last few hours goofing around, visiting fictional fan sites dedicated to made-up music genres, playing silly little point and click adventures, and all of a sudden 204 people are dead. This never becomes relevant. Outside of the news, nobody seems to mention it. Then I remember I’m playing a game.

Weird little moments like this occur during Hypnospace Outlaw. Sudden shocks to the system. Torrential gravity. The weight of two hundred souls. You ban a 1st grade school teacher for sharing drawings of a copyrighted cartoon character online. Her name is Abagail. You forget about her. Later, you find a Hypnospace page dedicated to various loved ones in memoriam. Maybe you’ll recognize her name again…

Hypnospace is a wonderland of sights and sounds but it is not the world, only its people, and themselves as they see themselves; it is beautiful and sad and transient, but preserved in perfect detail. It’s funny. It’s tragic. It’s a maze. It’s a home.

It’s a long dream with an abrupt ending, and it’s half-remembered, and everyone’s still there, except they never were.

It's remarkable how this game makes you care about these fictional people and their stories solely through their tiny patch of old internet haven.

For nearly a year this game was my work break title I played for a bit at the end of the day, when I was already tired. I took it in in small bits and large pauses and eventually picked up a guide to help me streamline the experience. It wasn't ideal because I couldn't truly immerse myself inside Hypnospace's world.

It is slow paced, It's lax, it's emotional and tragic and oppressive. It's an alternate history mirror into an era of the Internet that's almost completely gone.

Hypnospace Outlaw is meticulously filled with rich details that paints the world and life of these individuals and their communities. There's a shit tin of original music, the soundtrack is insane!

I have ambivalent feelings about the ending, I get what they were going for but I felt it was missing a final key note.

I think I'm going to revisit it someday soon and explore more stories, I'm already getting nostalgic.

It's by far the online game that i loved the most.
now i can feel nothing but sadness.

The setting and world building of Oddworld is so uniqe that I couldn't resist revisiting it through this "new and tasty" version of the game. But I probably should've left my fond memories of playing this on the PS1 alone, even though I can't get me to dislike this remake.

I think the world of Abe has come more alive here and the actually playing is more aligned with the cutscenes, and just for that this is worth revisiting, or experience if you haven't played the original version. It truly come off as a world that exist in it's own and you just happen to be able to be a part of it. Everything happens between the characters, from Abe's perspective and a lot of developers could learn a thing or two from this game on how to deliver context, story and dialogue without having to rely on "exposition talking".

What I had forgotten was how clunky Abe is to control, and that I downright hated the parts where you control Elum. After finishing those sequenses it didn't feel rewarding in a mastering kind of way, but more just lucky with the timing of the jumps. And I can't help but feel some of the puzzles are way harder because the enemies can now spot you from positions where they earlier was off-screen.

I don't regret playing this remake, but it would've benefitted from making Abe, and especially Elum, easier to control, maintained more of the originals "grittiness", make the visual cues on the maps more obvious and have a least one more directory later in the first stage.