I love Wikipedia and since it’s the only site I ever use it makes this browser perfect for me as its all that it can run!

It’s a fine enough game that encourages walking, but comparing it to Pokémon Go and it really falters.

Pokémon Go manages to bring the gameplay of Pokémon and actually make it work and feel like Pokémon, while Pikmin Bloom feels pretty far from a Pikmin game and offers little to come back to.

The game is still fine though and isn’t bad by any means! The fact it introduced so many people to the best Nintendo series is amazing!

It’s a good Mario game, but I can’t agree that it’s the “best of all time”

Still, there’s not much I can say that has not been said, it’s just a good game with a really incredible gimmick.

(And the Wii-Mote usage is fine)

Not to brag, but I lost the last 17 Wordles 😎

Great way to kill 3 minutes until you realize there’s way better Breakout games and play those instead.

One of my favorite games of all time.

The game is brutally hard, but still feels fair and seeing how long you can last is really fun.

All the characters have their own gimmicks that shake up every play through and the design of the game is top notch!

And on top of that, the game is still updated to this day, and each one adds fun new features and items.

10/10 would recommend

(Also forgot to mention but playing with friends is really fun, but that’s kind of the deal with every multiplayer game)

Definitely a game I would argue is one of the most important games of all time, on the level of games like Mario and PAC-MAN.

Though me personally, I feel the game becomes pretty stale after a little while of playing, but that could be due to my complete lack of creativity when it comes to building.

Still though, I see why people like it and it’s definitely a good game.

Three turns on a Rubik’s Cube and it’s insolvable for me.

Therefore, I do not enjoy this.

Imagine how different the landscape of short-form content would be without this game.

Very fun card game that is a blast to play… if you actually get good cards.

Unfortunately it is super hard to get cards in this game and when you do get them, it’s unlikely to be the really good epic and legendary cards.

The game itself is fun, but the difficulty of getting the cards to play with really brings it down.

Does everything the first Portal does and better.

Better puzzles, graphics, and a surprisingly good story make it such a worthy game for any Steam collection.

Also there’s a multiplayer mode that has amazing puzzles for you and a partner to accomplish.

Amazing game.

One of the most creative puzzle games ever, it’s such a simple concept but it was executed perfectly.

Walking through portals is seamless and all the puzzles are expertly designed.

It’d be 5 stars but I feel Portal 2 does everything this game does and better.

But still, it’s impossible to deny the shear perfection that is Portal.

To me, Pokémon Sword represents a sense of complacency and laziness with the Pokémon series that no other game can truly encapsulate.

For one, the graphics. Now, I’m no graphics guy, but this game looks terrible. Lazy animations and textures that can sometimes rival the Nintendo 64 in looks are prevalent.

Also the gameplay, it’s bad. The game is super easy and offers little challenge which makes it super boring to play.

And while I know Pokémon is not known for its gripping stories, the game has little dialogue that could be considered interesting and all the characters feel very basic.

So overall, I feel Pokémon Sword offers little to the series and little entertainment value to the player.

Now Pokémon Shield on the other hand… I never played, but maybe the exclusive Pokémon “Appletun” overshadows all the drawbacks of this pair of Pokémon games and makes them 5 stars… maybe.

I think Pikmin 2 is 5 stars so I think this is 5 stars.

This review contains spoilers

Out of all the Pikmin games I feel this one is probably my least favorite, not that it’s bad though far from it!

It’s a great game to speed run due to its fun challenge and the time limit adds a great sense of urgency that other Pikmin games severely lack either due to way-too-easy time limits or nonexistent ones.

But the AI feels moronic with what they do and the random tripping does not help and a few enemies feel really unfair.

But overall it’s a good game that gets surpassed by the ones that follow it.