if my friend stabs me and continously slides his blade through my skull over and over and over one more time I'm gonna SCREAM

Jacket doesn't speak a single word in this game and yet he's my favorite character in fiction. A man who goes from vomiting after his first hit to wiping out an entire police station and killing the leader of the fucking Russian Mafia. The final levels bring me to such an extreme high every time. But once I watch that bullet go through that old mans face, I just feel empty. I bet Jacket feels the same way. Masterpiece.

"Despite everything, it's still you."

This game is legendary for a reason. A total emotional rollercoaster. A game that's so funny on the surface, but in the blink of an eye, can take a tragic turn. But it never feels unnatural. The score perfectly reflects these moments, helping bring a smile to my face or a tear to my eye. An absolute fucking masterpiece.

"wow, this new Flood level is awesome! this game is about to get so good!" - me, a fucking fool, an utter nimrod

I'm surprised by how much this is loved because I was totally bored

This VN bombarded me with information and it left me very, very confused. Some people hate when a story is confusing. I do not. I adore chaos. I adore the surreal. Because when you don't know what's going on, all you can do is follow your heart. And then the results of your actions teach you a little about who you are and what's important to you. A long time ago, I played Fallout New Vegas for the first time. I was a dumb kid. I decided that, for whatever reason, Mr. House was the rational decision. But then, he revealed that the next step in his plans was the destruction of the Brotherhood of Steel. You see, I had met Veronica a very long time ago. I adored her. She was my one true friend in the Mojave. When I was given that quest, something in my mind snapped. I killed Mr. House and decided I would end this game on my own terms, not anyone elses. I kicked the Legion off the Hoover Dam and then I ordered General Oliver to a watery grave. I chose an Independent Vegas. But then I saw the ending slides and I felt... guilt. I regretted my choice. I looked inward and decided I was arrogant and greedy. I thought I knew what was best when I was just some kid. I've wished I chose the NCR ending for years. I don't wish that now. I look back on that original New Vegas playthrough and understand that the thing that cracked in my mind wasn't arrogance, but the last straw. I couldn't be obedient anymore. I couldn't stop myself from being me just because I didn't know what was going on. I followed my heart. That's all Jupiter wants too. To follow her heart, to be herself, to live however she wants. Rules and expectations be damned. I wanna live that way too. I want to let my greed and arrogance run wild. Heaven will be mine.

when Metro Man said "I am the Entropy: Zero - Uprising Episode 1" before proceeding to down memory erasing water and get hit by a fucking train? That's cinema

I love how the wife married a dude only to instantly realize his brother is a million times hotter

My friends and I have literally never beaten the first level of this game. We have so many hours in it. It's so fucking horseshit. And while other players seem to hate that, I fucking love it. In most games, I avoid leaving things to chance. For the King seems to be built around not only leaving nearly everything to chance, but also to pressure you into taking ridiculous risks. It's a bit like Hotline Miami where the game actively encourages you to get yourself killed because that's just the only way you could possibly win. Playing it safe just means death takes longer to happen. So what this results in is constant prayers to RNGesus which either result in loud cheering or smashing your keyboard in rage. All of this leaves your adrenaline pumping, your brain calculating. You need every single advantage you can possibly get. This game keeps you focused the entire time, which means a lot in a genre that so often turns into mindless grinding for XP. One day, my friends and I are gonna beat that first level. And I'm telling you, we are going to be so fucking alive in that moment. I genuinely believe I'll cry tears of joy.

Playing this game is like doing cocaine, LSD, bath salts, and black tar heroin all at the same time. You can play as John Wick wearing an anime girl mask wielding a medieval crossbow and duel automatic shotguns that light people on fire with the goal of finding goats with crack shoved up their asses as you heal yourself by drinking whiskey from a flask. Masterpiece.

I tried using an autoclicker to farm bits so I could have enough money to buy one of Rarity's outfits only to discover 999 bits is the limit. Utter fucking horse shit 0/10

"A FREE FUCKING MEAL?!?!?!?! IN MY CONSERVATIVE AMERICA?!?!?!?!?!" - my friend playing this with me when I got an easy win

better lightsaber combat than all of the official Star Wars releases