A shockingly amazing phone game. The monotonous idle gameplay exists to pace out the psychological tests and its worth it. Perhaps another person wouldn't have the same experience, but I found the results of Es's psychological analyses to be incredibly accurate to myself. I even replayed the game a bit later to test this and I found that when I answered differently they were completely inaccurate. Could it be confirmation bias? Maybe. But it was thought provoking nontheless.

The sound effects, music, acting, visuals, branching paths, and quotable dialogue are that of a 5/5 masterpiece level game. Unfortunately, David Cage cannot write to save his android waifus lives.

Killing zombies in this game will always bring me joy

"Despite everything, it's still you."

This game is legendary for a reason. A total emotional rollercoaster. A game that's so funny on the surface, but in the blink of an eye, can take a tragic turn. But it never feels unnatural. The score perfectly reflects these moments, helping bring a smile to my face or a tear to my eye. An absolute fucking masterpiece.

me and my friend had lightsaber duels, street races, superhero battles, spider-man swinging races, sniper battles, and admin gun power trips all in the same session. shits good

I dislike this not because its edgy or tasteless but because it just isn't that fun. I can't kill people in particularly unique or satisfying ways. It's just a normal shooter with an edgy coat of paint. I've felt more postal in GTA 5 than this.

Playing this game is like doing cocaine, LSD, bath salts, and black tar heroin all at the same time. You can play as John Wick wearing an anime girl mask wielding a medieval crossbow and duel automatic shotguns that light people on fire with the goal of finding goats with crack shoved up their asses as you heal yourself by drinking whiskey from a flask. Masterpiece.

The true horror of this game is how much it fucking drags at the 10th chapter


ha ha ha cute cat game! meow meow!
gets shot to death by drones & eaten by man made horrors

woman that hates fighting games plays fighting game and hates it


the people that don't like this games combat are nerds

I don't think this is about how fish are made

News Man: "They do not feel pain"
Vermin when I smash them with a fucking hammer: "AAACH"

I don't think I'm in this games demographic anymore

This review contains spoilers

this is genuinely so fucking sad jesus christ