The music, character design, animation, plots are all some of the best in Ace Attorney, incredibly happy this got localized.

It's good! Little bit too fanservicey for my tastes in a lot of the character designs, lacking in any gameplay ideas that really stand out for me, but overall a pretty good, charming little metroidvania that's worth a playthrough if you're a fan of the genre. Also the 3DS depth looks gorgeous paired with the pixel art, despite a few performance issues here and there.

At it's core, Forgotten Land is basically an advanced PS2 Era Collectathon. However, there are so many small additions and flourishes that it really comes into its own. Between a constant stream of fresh ideas, gorgeous art style, appealing characters, and engaging bosses, Kirby and the Forgotten Land rarely misses, and when it does, I mean just look at him. I'm not gonna nitpick a guy who looks like that.

Excellent open world with awesome design and a stunning style. However the lackluster, annoying combat system made incredibly unattractive by the poorly thought out durability system seriously drags this one down for me. The perfect game to play on a rainy summer night. (Also please bring proper dungeons back)

Really good but level transitions are way too long for how long the levels are.

docked half a star for the Vamp fight

no way I'm playing more of this holy shit its like Soul Reaver but poorly written and with grindy hack and slash gameplay

Kinda lacklustre IMO; head way up its ass storywise and the gameplay was often repetitive and frustrating.