It has a nice atmosphere, but... eh. In the end it just felt more like I went to toilet, over than played a game. But I believe developers can do more than that, and I wait it with all of my heart

Resonates with me all the time. I just cant get enough of it, as I keep coming back over and over again. It's not for everyone, but if it strikes - it strikes.


It's okay... but it just misses some spark, which would make it special. I dunno

just tear-press to me, in a worst meaning possible


Kind of disapointed me, to be honest? But its still good. Hoped it to be more psychological, over than mystical, but well. Still creative, still fun


They keep creating the same game over and over again, but I hope they will never stop
It's beautiful.

No ,atter how much people keep arguing about it, I keep enjoying it

And now I see Natoshi Zin's face everywhere

It’s REALLY good, in my opinion. Most of the characters are nice, the story is interesting and plays with the themes it chose in interesting, sometimes even creative ways. I would even say I love it the most out of the trilogy, even though I played it somewhere in the middle, lol

I really love it, it’s so creative, funny and silly, I have nothing to add

This one is really good! The stories are wonderful, and creative visualisation of them are just… wow.
Maybe not the best, but one of the best walking simulators I’ve ever played

It’s creative. It’s pretty. It has a nice morals. It’s stylish. But… it didn’t catch me, you know? After some time it becomes pretty boring, the puzzles are not really hard… I don’t know…. It’s fine, I guess…

I guess it's just some masochistic enjoyment of mine. Stockholme syndrome? if you please. BUT IT'S SO DAMN BAD IT'S A MASTERPIECE.
I played about 4 times already, and I will always recommend it to all of my friends as the best novel I played. I really love it, from the bottom of my heart and I am grateful to the universe that I live in the same timeline. Just... let go off your sanity. And enjoy.

I won't lie? the only thing that kept me going was ,y respect to Benoit Sokal? because this thing hurts me both mentaly and physicaly/ Dont get me wrong? the story is... well... good?... But other aspects are just..... eh.....