This game is something of a guilty pleasure for me.
The story is actually decent overall with some genuinely funny interactions, but also some deep messages and themes.

I really enjoyed the gameplay, it might look simple in the beginning but things get serious later on, with the last 2-3 dungeons being somewhat more challenging than the rest. The only downside to it is that it's quite repetitive, not only the puzzles but even hanging out at the bar, unfortunately the things you can do in the game aren't that many, it's very linear.

As for the soundtrack, it's so good! Very unique and charming, adds a lot of personality to the game's atmosphere and vibe.

Lastly, there's a decent amount of content, the various challenges and even the multiplayer mode, which is more than enough for a game like this.

However, I do think that the game is outdated in some ways, the character's movement feels clunky, the 2D animation is choppy and the facial expressions are strange to say the least.

I finished this game in one sitting with no breaks, and it took me 14 hours. It was very fun from start to finish, which is a very big compliment considering how I've never played a game similar to Catherine before, it truly is a very one-of-a-kind game.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

A perfect depiction of Japan's dark underworld.
The story is amazing full of plot twists and crazy moments, incredible writing and great characters.

The gameplay though, it's enjoyable and overall decent but it gets repetitive, you don't really unlock any new moves after the first few hours in the game.

The side content is more than enough, there is a lot you can do such as play arcade games, sing in the karaoke, dance in the disco club and many more, and there are also some interesting side stories.

I got to say, I'm very happy I finally played this game, it was a pleasant experience.

Final Rating: "Amazing ~ 9/10.

Hearthfire is by far the weakest expansion of Skyrim.
I really like the idea of owning a property but it's not implemented very well.

Buying a house with gold and customizing it is fun, but if you want to build your own house, gathering the materials might be very tedious and exhausting. Granted, it's still worth checking out because it adds some slightly important elements.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.

I don't like Post Apocalyptic Survival games but The Last of Us is something more than that.
Joel is one of the most complex protagonists I've ever seen, sometimes his actions are villainous and selfish but he's so well written, you can definitely see where he's coming from, his loss impacts the story a lot and you feel his pain throughout the whole game.

Ellie on the other hand, is the perfect deuteragonist, she is a deep character with a tragic past but she's represented as sweet, happy and quirky, which shows that she is still a kid after all. In terms of gameplay, she never gets in your way and helps in combat as much as she can.

The story itself is pretty simple on paper but it's very well written, and the pacing is absolutely perfect.

Now for the negatives, the game is very linear, and the secondary characters are forgettable.
That being said, despite some minor flaws, I think that this game is absolutely timeless and definitely deserves to be in PlayStation's Hall of Fame.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

The hype is real.
Cyberpunk 2077 is a very fascinating experience, to some extent it's a beautiful masterpiece of a videogame that excels in many ways, and one of the most important games of the past few years, but unfortunately this game is flawed to its core, with flaws that cannot be fixed.

Before its release, CD Projekt Red promised so many things, to the point where everyone praised them and had high hopes, but the amount of issues the game had really hurt its reputation, it was an unfinished mess with issues that went beyond just the poor performance and the missing features that were supposed to be in the game. Three years later, after multiple patches, updates and downloadable content, the game is in a pretty good state, but it's not exactly what we were promised.

The story and the characters are surprisingly solid, the game touches some interesting topics and has depth, many set-pieces, a lot of action and some pretty emotional scenes, even though some parts are a little bit rushed towards the end.

The gameplay is great, it feels satisfying, every gun has a different feeling to it, and there are some special weapons with unique abilities. There is also a decent amount of weapons to get, upgrades and skills to unlock.

Night City is one of the best looking cities I've ever seen in any videogame and it's filled with quality, the side quests are phenomenal, and I enjoyed exploring, however, I wish there were more side activities and minigames to make the game more replayable.

Where the game disappointed me specifically is the outdated AI and the RPG mechanics, in fact the game barely feels like an RPG sometimes, the dialogue options are almost absent and choices don't matter for the most part. This makes the world somewhat lifeless, there's not enough interactivity, it's like the NPCs don't exist, and for an Open World game this is a very major and noticeable flaw.

Lastly, I did encounter some visual glitches, texture pop-ins, frame drops and even crashes when I first played the game, but after the 2.0 patch, I barely noticed any bugs and I've had a pretty smooth experience overall.

Ultimately this isn't a remarkable RPG but still a stellar videogame in many ways.
Despite the technical issues it suffered from when it first came out, after such a long time it's finally playable, and even though it failed to reach its full potential, I still recommend it.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

I absolutely love the vampire setting but unfortunately "Dawnguard" doesn't bring anything new to the table except from some few things here and there.

The story is decent and the new characters are pretty cool but what surprised me the most is the boss fights, they are quite challenging and they look awesome.

There are also some interesting powers and magic spells which are very fun to use.

New armor sets and unique weapons that make the gameplay more diverse which I enjoyed.

Having said all that I think Dawnguard is a solid expansion, it offers some interesting things despite its short length and lack of side content.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

The Game of the Year Edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt makes this one of the most complete videogame experiences ever, with 2 amazing expansions and an insane amount of additional content.

An absolute monster of a videogame.
The main story is very well made with an exceptional cast of characters, and the writing is fantastic, everything in the game has depth to it.

The amount of content is absolutely ridiculous, at first you might get overwhelmed by all the activities the game throws at you, but exploring the map and doing side quests is definitely worth it, this game has perhaps the best side quests I've ever experienced, and the quest design is phenomenal.

The dialogue options are groundbreaking, almost every quest has different outcomes and interactions, it's insane. Your actions have consequences and if you're not careful, you can miss entire questlines that can alter your entire experience with the game.

Also I think it's worth mentioning how beautiful the soundtrack is, it's pretty much one of the highlights of the game and really sets the tone perfectly.

It's an all-around solid game, it does almost everything very well, except from the gameplay which is a little bit clunky so you'll have to get used to it.
The biggest problem I have with the game personally is the amount of filler and padding in the first half of the story, it's a slow burn and takes too long for the pacing to get good, however, even when it's slow, it's still great and has so many things to offer.

The Open World is one of the best I've ever explored, it's very enjoyable from start to finish, there are so many things to do in this game.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt achieved the impossible, it's unbelievable how a small Polish studio managed to create a remarkable videogame like this one.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

Dragonborn is hands down the best expansion of Skyrim, it's a love-letter to newcomers and old fans alike.

The lovecraftian approach to the story is very interesting, and the new characters are pretty good.

Solstheim looks absolutely beautiful and it's quite big, there are many things that you can do in it. Overall the amount of side content is more than enough.

As for the new armor sets and weapons, they're very strong and valuable, definitely worth grinding for.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.

The Ultimate Medieval Western RPG at its peak with all the Expansions, a game that everyone who dares to call themselves a gamer should play.

The game that made me a gamer, it holds a special place in my heart.
This is the game of my dreams, my second home in which I've spent thousands of hours into and I still can't say goodbye to it, I always come back because there's always something to take care of.

When I first played it as a very young kid, it absolutely blew me away, my experience with the game was unreal, everything about it was out of this world. One of the most gorgeous and breathtaking worlds in a videogame, and to this day it still manages to surprise me.

I love the Scandinavian Medieval setting, with the dragons and the diverse amount of creatures and people, it's a huge game where you create your own story.

The gameplay is mostly basic with a decent variety of weapons and spells, nothing groundbreaking but it serves its purpose. Where the game feels outdated and tedious is the dungeon design, most dungeons look the same and some puzzles can be frustrating, that being said this doesn't necessarily ruin the experience.

The scenery, the music, the aurora borealis... it's very nostalgic and makes me teary-eyed, I mourn the days when I didn't know anything about this game, and I wish I could experience it for the first time again.
A Timeless Masterpiece.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

A hauntingly beautiful and heart-breaking masterpiece with updated visuals and additional content, this game is an absolute must-play.

A tragic and dark story of love, hate and forgiveness, The Last of Us Part II is a very brave and ambitious game, and the perfect example of what videogames should strive to be.

It's definitely a big improvement over the first game in many ways such as the gameplay mechanics and the depth of storytelling, but unfortunately there are some few moments where the pacing felt slow.

The intense music combined with the masterfully crafted atmosphere and the fantastic audio design are some of the best I've seen in a videogame.

The Last of Us Part II takes some big risks, and makes some decisions that some people might not agree with, but honestly, I loved it...

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

The game that made me a gamer, it holds a special place in my heart.
This is the game of my dreams, my second home in which I've spent thousands of hours into and I still can't say goodbye to it, I always come back because there's always something to take care of.

When I first played it as a very young kid, it absolutely blew me away, my experience with the game was unreal, everything about it was out of this world. One of the most gorgeous and breathtaking worlds in a videogame, and to this day it still manages to surprise me.

I love the Scandinavian Medieval setting, with the dragons and the diverse amount of creatures and people, it's a huge game where you create your own story.

The gameplay is mostly basic with a decent variety of weapons and spells, nothing groundbreaking but it serves its purpose. Where the game feels outdated and tedious is the dungeon design, most dungeons look the same and some puzzles can be frustrating, that being said this doesn't necessarily ruin the experience.

The scenery, the music, the aurora borealis... it's very nostalgic and makes me teary-eyed, I mourn the days when I didn't know anything about this game, and I wish I could experience it for the first time again.
A Timeless Masterpiece.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

It's a nice DLC but It's honestly very short.
There are some great moments in it, and Ellie's relationship with Riley is very well written.

Also I personally liked how Ellie feels weaker than Joel, so killing enemies is more challenging.

Overall I liked it a lot, but it doesn't really add anything new except from some more backstory to Ellie.

Final Rating: "Decent" ~ 6/10.

Hearts of Stone is absolutely great, it might be the inferior expansion of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt but it's very solid nonetheless.

I was seriously intrigued by the story, it's very fascinating, and I really liked the new characters as well.

There are some new boss fights which are quite challenging, especially in comparison to the disappointingly simple boss fights of the main game.

And lastly, the setting is very interesting and unique, I absolutely love it.

The only issue I can find is that it's relatively short and lacks content. Unfortunately it's barely 10 hours long and there's no replay-ability.

Final Rating: "Fantastic" ~ 8.5/10.

Could have been a game itself, Blood and Wine is an absolute titan of an expansion.

Even though its main story isn't anything crazy, it's still interesting and the new additional characters are great.

Toussaint is the best map in the entire game, it's very big, looks gorgeous and there is a ridiculous amount content. I can sit here and talk for hours how insane the amount of content is, so many things to do, so many interesting side quests and storylines... it's honestly groundbreaking.

Last but not least, there are also some new armor sets and weapons which are pretty cool.

This is without a doubt the best expansion I've played so far.

Final Rating: "Excellent" ~ 9.5/10.

This is a legendary classic that everyone needs to play, it's a fun yet depressing adventure, and a truly unique videogame experience.

I don't like Post Apocalyptic Survival games but The Last of Us is something more than that.
Joel is one of the most complex protagonists I've ever seen, sometimes his actions are villainous and selfish but he's so well written, you can definitely see where he's coming from, his loss impacts the story a lot and you feel his pain throughout the whole game.

Ellie on the other hand, is the perfect deuteragonist, she is a deep character with a tragic past but she's represented as sweet, happy and quirky, which shows that she is still a kid after all. In terms of gameplay, she never gets in your way and helps in combat as much as she can.

The story itself is pretty simple on paper but it's very well written, and the pacing is absolutely perfect.

Now for the negatives, the game is very linear, and the secondary characters are forgettable.
That being said, despite some minor flaws, I think that this game is absolutely timeless and definitely deserves to be in PlayStation's Hall of Fame.

Final Rating: "Amazing" ~ 9/10.