As stupid as it is now looking back at it, this was the game that got me into square enix as a developer. So many years later its still such a fun game to replay

Holy shit is roxas such a boring fucker to play as in this game. But after that steaming pile of shit of a prologue ends, peak begins. I still fucking hate disney properties tho

The level of attention to detail in this game, still 26 years later is still ahead of so many other games on the market today, its insane that something like this was even possible back then. Peak on top of peak on top of peak.

definitely the strongest theme in the franchise from what i played so far, idk bout best tho

Strictly a multiplayer and zombies rating fuck the campaign. The exosuit was the best it ever felt out of all futuristic cods. Maps were mostly solid, being one of the last titles to have a great selection of maps overall. Zombies was perfect, only issue was that it doesnt feature every map from WaW to BO2. Each of the remastered maps in zombies feels like their definitive version. Solid addictive gameplay loop. Actual peak. The last great COD.

i've never been so lightheaded playing a game. i laughed too much and lost my voice more times than i can count

Praying for the day Capcom stops packaging random multiplayer games with their games

Theres nothing that i can possibly say to sell someone on this game other than it is a truly refreshing, once in a lifetime type of story, simple at times but also really deep cutting in some parts. just actual cinema.