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akira136 is now playing Fallout: New Vegas

1 day ago

akira136 is now playing Resident Evil 4

1 day ago

akira136 is now playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

1 day ago

akira136 reviewed Potions: A Curious Tale
Undertale, Cave Story, Stardew Valley, Braid, Spelunky, Papers Please, etc...

All great games made by one person. And this took 10 years? It's a generic cozy game that plays out like a flash browser, with cringy millennial dialogues.

The whole EA situation was embarrassing. There are tons of games released every day on Steam, and now you're blaming a fucking soulless corporation and sexism for your shitty game failure?
The spotlight this mediocre piece of crap received because of the crying video is completely undeserved, she's just playing with people's emotions and it's working.

Also apparently she also lied about working on this by herself, which is even worse. THIS had a team of people behind it lmao

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago

2 days ago

akira136 commented on riotkiwi's review of Pokémon Violet
Sword and Shield is miles better than this shit. Scarlet and Violet are the rock bottom of the Pokémon series

2 days ago

akira136 reviewed Animal Well
Great game even for someone like me who's never gonna search all the eggs and the secrets.

3 days ago

akira136 reviewed Dave the Diver
Imagine how much better this game would be if they focused on improving the gameplay loop, instead of concentrating so much on a boring ass story full of fetch quests and unfunny dialogues.
Not once I felt excited to continue the story missions, I always found myself thinking "when is this shit gonna end so I can keep fishing and managing the restaurant".
It's also SO FUCKING LONG, I went straight to every single main story mission as soon as I could, and after more than 20 hours I didn't even manage to get past chapter 5.

The map is incredibly repetitive after chapter 1, it's always the same because it gets locked with all the missions you get assigned. The depths especially are a fucking drag, always the same stupid UV lights tunnels with the same fish.
The restaurant managing also could've been done more in-depth. With all the crap they force you to do at night, you barely do it anyway...

The best parts were honestly all the animated scenes with Bancho and the weapon weeb guy.

3 days ago

8 days ago

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