Strayed too far from what I loved about the series but with that being said this is still a great game with some really good levels.

Absolutely stunning visuals. 30fps but like I really didn't care about that.
Some of these boss fights are boring and easy. For sure the biggest flaw of the game (maybe the dlc ones are better, idk I didn't play it).
I never really had a reason to experiment with weapons so I just used my default one the whole time, kind of lame there but maybe that's on me.
Would love to see a sequel.

Fantastic game. Getting off your board and driving cars is a big meme. That being said, poor neversoft are being forced to these games out every year from their publisher so they tried to spice it up.

The game that inspired many of the best JRPGs series still around today.
Simple, difficult and exhausting.

Slightly more enjoyable then wiz1

Great fun, loved it. Flawed ofc but a good time if you learn the mechanics.

Multi-player was so much fun. It was terribly balanced (Headquaters gameplay on Shipment map would never happen again) but who cares I just no scoped someone

this was my first silent hill game and honestly it was fun lol

Very cringey jokes/dialogue that is just not funny at all and also Yosuke exists. Otherwise a good game.