Good game. Hated any mission involving flying but everything else was great.

Never truly knew what it felt like to be in a niche until I became a huge fan of Deception. I like this game alot, I can set up traps for hours on end.
It plays so well with emulation, looks great and has a banging OST.
There is alot of content here so I can see people not liking this game since it's basically hours of the same gameplay loop. However, for me, I love it.

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This game is incredibly slow, other then that it's a really good dungeon crawler. Do yourself a favor and listen to the great OST.
Highly reccomened playing on emulator with 200% speed whenever you can.

Play this game please, thanks.

Hope you like dying.
Save often, this is a trial and error survival game.
If that's not for you then that's fine.
Also game is horny as hell, it's annoying

Lots of content but way less characters then previous SO games.
This game is fun, if you're like me and can pass over a terrible plot, bad dialogue and horrible looking characters, you actually get a game that has a really fun combat system.
Combat is better then other it's main competition at the time Tales of Vesperia IMO

Fun. Gets tedious but as long as you don't try to 100% you can beat it before you can't stand it

This game is good. Nothing about it is excellent, every aspect has flaws but overall turns out to be a solid game. Personally nostalgic for me so 4.5 stars.

Hard to give a non biased review.
This was my first love, my first game that stuck with me.
Brings so many great memories, can't help but smile when I play it.

Fun time, good music. What else can I say.

One of the most important RPGs ever. Still fun.

The hardest THPS game by far. This one is really for long time players, there is alot to do. Love this one.