Du duu du du duuu, du du du duuu du du duu duuu du duu

Bruh I couldn't get used to the way the wall kicking worked in this game, why do I suck so much lol
Fun tho.

Never truly knew what it felt like to be in a niche until I became a huge fan of Deception. I like this game alot, I can set up traps for hours on end.
It plays so well with emulation, looks great and has a banging OST.
There is alot of content here so I can see people not liking this game since it's basically hours of the same gameplay loop. However, for me, I love it.

Although I prefer the 3rd game, this game definitely does a better job with the narrative and the translation.
Deception has a very unique gameplay loop and I think after like just 1 or 2 hours of gameplay you will already know if the game is for you or not.

Hard to give a non biased review.
This was my first love, my first game that stuck with me.
Brings so many great memories, can't help but smile when I play it.

Even 8 year old me knew this game was trash

They tried man, they really did
The last spyro game I gave a damn about

This game is good. Nothing about it is excellent, every aspect has flaws but overall turns out to be a solid game. Personally nostalgic for me so 4.5 stars.

Be warned, there is an infamously terrible plot twist in this game. Besides that, this is a great ARPG. At this time SO was doing combat way better then tales imo.
Lots and lots of content in this game: 3 post game dungeons, extra difficulties, battle trophies, etc. AN RPG WITH A SKIP CUTSCENE BUTTON FINALLY.

Lots of content but way less characters then previous SO games.
This game is fun, if you're like me and can pass over a terrible plot, bad dialogue and horrible looking characters, you actually get a game that has a really fun combat system.
Combat is better then other it's main competition at the time Tales of Vesperia IMO