i played this when i was 13 cause apparently the story was good?
yeah it was but now i have ptsd and severe guilt

everyone is wowed by shadowdrop a good game that they forget to critique the game
me too

played it in one sitting, where is my sequel

attack on titan final season: part 3: part 2

my first pokemon game, it was really fun going in the mines, i yearned for them as a child

instead of hanging out with friends during school holidays, i played this game, during all of grade 3 and 4. I am not kidding

stick this truth up your ass

shouldve called it pirate creed 1

goddamn best mmo i have ever played.

the very, very first game I have ever played.
I also remember owning the demo disk that had silent cartographer only. I can recite all the lines to the beginning of that mission-

second best vr game, would be better with less scavanging and more melee

i played this on my shitty laptop during class with headphones on. completely unaware that my computer fans were blazing in a quiet room and i got told off

i had a crush on ahsoka when i was 12

i remember being called a girl cause i played this instead of soulsilver