It's hard to live up the expectations of a great game like Trials Of mana and yet they went and made something even better. Incredibly faithful remake, maps, dialogs, skill progression and many more things are just like they were in the orginal but in a new form.

This time around the game is actually a real Action RPG, the original felt like one but most the action was just getting in and out of range of enemy attacks and didn't even matter against special and magical attacks, here they are AoEs you can dodge out of, as for your characters they can do simple universal combos now and unlock more as you Classchange making the game feel a little bit like a 3D Beat'Em Up and your spells also have AOEs. Progression is so much better, instead gaining one spell at a time as you level up and improving a stat of your choice you are give skill points to allocate how you see fit with added link abilities to unlock and equip, exploring is also worth a damn now since straying from the given path will have you find treasure instead of just encounters. Gone are also all the annoyances of the original, no longer having to wait for spells and skills to play out before you can do something else and even the grind for the 3 Classchange is eased up if you don't want to classchange early. Story is largely the same and it was carried by the playable characters and this time they have a lot of interactions with voices, Angela and Rietz are cuter than ever. Music is also very faithful to the original to the point I can't tell if it's just the same tracks. Companion's AI leaves to be desired but it's still far better than you'd expect.

The game biggest flaw is how easy it is, the original wasn't really hard but it gets aggravating here.
Some of it's due to the fact that you can dodge most special attacks but generally the game has been balanced to be really damn indulgent even on hard, when the game gets hard only in small spikes that aren't that challenging either, if you aren't into the characters and progression the game will fell mindnumbing. Unlike the original the game isn't a high budget production pushing boundaries and it shows, everything outside models doesn't look good and the game is almost janky during certain bosses, hit detection on those is weird and it makes companions not work properly.

Translation is probably fine but they let the translator take too many liberties imo, didn't need to give names to characters who literally don't have them lol.

I don't think the game can satisfy everyone and the lack of difficulty is definetively going to turn people off but this remake is even better than already awesome game, I can't not recommend it.

After wasting time trying to get into the previous Mana titles I jumped unto this and I had a blast. 6 different really cool characters and your protagonists and companion choices influence the story. Each character has a beginner class which they can change into 2 other classes later in the game, twice. The game isn't really an action RPG since the only action element is moving in and out of enemy melee range, spells and special attacks can't be dodged but despite that the game is still immensely enjoyable. The biggest thing if favor of this game is how fast progression is for the genre, you're always moving forward and seeing, doing new things. Needless to say it looks and sounds great. Major criticism is that the story isn't overall that engaging, main party is a highlight for sure and depending on how much you like those characters you might not be bothered by it, still the story has a lot of strength and presence for 2/3 of the game but the last third up to the final section of the game it feels like it's barely there. Minor complaints, spells animations can't be skipped and you'll get tired of seeing them but you sped them up in an emulator and the grind for the 3rd class change is boring but you can also sorta cheat it in a emulator I suppose. Play this game it's awsome


A mix of Quake, Doom 3 and Duke 3D with a very unique, personal and genuine premise. It's pretty obvs where the quake influence goes, the author clearly loves Quake's brown textures but knows how to make the game not feel samey visually, it's more brown than Quake ever was but you'll never get tired of it. There's some Doom 3 in the more limited mobility and resources being scarcer than average for the genre. Duke 3D plays a big influence in the level design and soul of the game, levels feel like real places that are also made for a videogame like all good Duke 3D levels do, also the frequent and many elements of interactivity and humor which give a one man feel to game in the best possible way. The gameplay loop isn't as good as other games of it's ilk but it makes with level design and charm, most I can complain is that some projecticles might as well be hitscans but it's not a big issue.

Uneeded remake that fortunately it's actually a pretty neat game.
It can't compete with the original and it knows it but takes a lot of things expands, remixes and improves on them that even with the weaker gameplay loop still is pretty rad and fundamentally more RE4. I can't commend enough the work they did on playing with your expectations of the original, sometimes it feels even meta imo. My biggest issue is with the performances of the characters, they made plenty of memorable characters into very forgetable ones.

Cute little artsy adventure game

Could do without all the scripted sections but all the moments of gameplay around them are awesome. It's not RE4 but if you're a fan of it this is a must

It's worth to play the original version first but this is indeed a complete improvement. The charge attack system changes things significantly and the game is made to accomodate for that, the game can be really fucking brutal starting out and generally demands more from the player. Be sure to play the additional challenges, you'll miss out on a lot of good stuff otherwise.

It's definetively fun in how it remixes the original but the end result had to meet up with the expectations of the original and the remake of Resident Evil 2 and it pales in comparison. My biggest gripe is that Nemesis became a scripted event you have little interaction with, you didn't exactly have much of choice between fighting him or running away but it was a something that could change how you play even more if got the rewards from defeating him. Overall worth a playthrough but only one.

Played this with cheats 3 times as a kid

One of the best looking shooters ever, shame it's pretty mediocre outside of that

Even better than what they say. A game I think everyone should play and one of the best games period. You can play up this and not need to play anything else in the franchise and might want to ngl.

Youtubers tell it's better than Doom 2 so it must be true

Playing this and finding out years of people saying it sucked and it ruined FPS games forever were utter bullshit. Shame no one learned the right lesson here.

Don't hurt your eyes with the remade graphics