Sengoku Japan: 1477 - 1615

From the end of the Onin War to the fall of the Toyotomi regime. Ask Japanese people, "What is the most popular period in Japanese history?" most would probably answer that it is the Sengoku period. The next best would be Bakumatsu.
Not on IGDB: harakiri (PC-8801)

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Mythology | ???? - 1180 | 1180 - 1477 | 1477 - 1615 | 1615 - 1868 | 1868 - 1945 | ??????

明智秀満(Akechi Hidemitsu) 1536 - 1582
宮本武蔵(Miyamoto Musashi) 1584 - 1645
真田 信繁/幸村(Sanada Nobushige/Yukimura) 1567/1570? - 1615
第4次川中島合戦(The 4th Kawanakajima war). Other names, "Chiki! Chiki! Who is the strongest warlord!?" The top battle between Uesugi Kenshin, the most war madman in Japanese history, and Takeda Shingen, also the most Sun Tzu fanatic in Japanese history! The highest level and most complex psychological warfare in Japanese history.
石田三成(Ishida mitsunari) 1560 - 1600
前田 利益/慶次 (Maeda Toshimasu/Keiji
) 1533/1541? - 1605/1612?
織田信長(Oda Nobunaga) 1534 - 1582
豊臣秀吉(Toyotomi Hideyoshi) 1537 - 1598


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