hey sephylover, i'm playing neon white. it's so sick, it's fast and you have a katana! and the characters are just like us, there's a girl that's cool and cuts her hair short like you do. it even has the guy who's tom from toonami. you should play it! it's rated t so your mom probably would let you play it. the characters say like f&#% and stuff so don't play it too loud lol. i wish we were near each other and not like 600 miles away, then you could just borrow it from me.

the music is so good too. it like, haunts me like a ghost stuck in my head all day lol. it's like techno, but like four times faster. wish i knew where to get more of that. (killerklutz told me to look up pendulum on limewire? is that a song?) if you wanna listen to the soundtrack you can download all the music from khinsider or i can message a rapidshare link to you or email or whatever. just make sure to delete it after 24 hours or it's illegal ;)

do you have AIM btw?

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your signature to help him gain
(='.'=) world domination!

After my friends and I watched some movie we were queuing up YouTube videos. Someone put on a whole playthrough of Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo, which no one vetoed for an hour. I remember that, but not which movie, so clearly Putt-Putt is the more scintillating experience.

EDIT: it was fucking Goodfellas

Coming back to this game is like chicken soup. Except you forgot to burn the chicken. Oh god, oh fuck, it's GETTING OUT OF THE POT -

Needs a 1v1 mode before someone makes an IRL version

This really needed to be a tailored campaign experience and not a roguelike. Sounds like they got that and want to implement one? Still don't regret playing it.

No other game, including later Gran Turismo entries, better understands the inherent dream that every car fanatic really aspires to - a fleet of unrealistically-modified and personalized shitboxes. Still waiting for a real sequel.

hey sephylover, i'm playing neon white. it's so sick, like the characters are just like us! there's a girl that's cool and cuts her hair short like you do. it even has the guy who's tom from toonami! you should play it! it's rated t so your mom probably would let you play. the characters say like f&#% and stuff so don't play it too loud. i wish we were near each other and not like 600 miles away, then you could just borrow it from me.

but seriously the music is so good too. it like, haunts me like a ghost after i turn the game off. stuck in my head like whoa, lol. it's like techno, but like four times faster. wish i knew where to get more of that. i think my friend told me to look up pendulum on limewire or something.

if you wanna listen to it (it's really cool!) you can download all the tracks from KHInsider but i can message a megaupload link to you or email or whatever. just make sure to delete it after 24 hours or it's illegal ;)

do you have AIM btw?

(\__/) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your signature to help him gain
(='.'=) world domination!

Zero Escape did some of this better, but the optimistic frutiger aero mood and atmosphere this game had going on is glorious. Far from perfect and I still love it to pieces. If you don't mind shitty pacing and an increase of slice-of-life characterization content over the sci-fi, it's a good read. Nails the ending.

This review contains spoilers

I think back and there were a lot of cracks that shine through The Walking Dead. The characters were fantastic, but the "gameplay" felt more like a personality test to compare with people than anything - the lead-up and selection was neat, but it didn't really affect much of anything going forward.

There is one choice, though, that always sticks with me. When Katjaa shoots herself and Duck dies of a bite, I told Kenny he should finish Duck before he turns. He points the gun, and you get two options on the countdown: shout DO IT! to scare him into shooting, or tell him it'll be OK and he shoots. I let the countdown run out, though. It wasn't an option, but if you don't take action, Kenny says he just can't do it. You both leave Duck there, where he presumably turns in the middle of nowhere.

I'm a dad now, and coming back to that whole sequence is rough, man. I can't help but sit with that.

I'M A DOCTOR [diffuses a bomb]

Get out of here, Ash! We're clicking Pokémon, and you don't want no part of this shit!

I don't know who created Pokémon Sleep, but I want to figure out how to get them to have Pokémon Sleep to the polls


I drink this in like a sea of meat