I can no longer tolerate all the slander directed towards this game, this was a great leap forward for 2D Mario games and even compared to the later NSMB titles feels unique, theres more varied enemies and gimmicks, new enemies, the DS graphics also add a retro edge, and the bosses are all unique besides Bowser jr, but hes way better than fucking Boom Boom, it's still cool how he's the central antagonist, Dry Bowser is cool, and while the final boss isnt as great as Wii or U (at least in scale) this is still a great game

But I really dont like the rarity of the blue shell and mega mushroom, theyre pretty pointless and so hard to get they feel wasted at times, like why couldnt these be treated like normal power ups in normal boxes, the blue shell is cool as fuck but you lose it so easily because it's so unwieldly

Man I kinda sorta dont like this, it reuses way too much from the original and just doesnt add much, I still havent played the master quest since my 3DS is busted and thats a cool addition but they couldve done so much more to make this not feel like and early 3D game from the 90s

I totaled out at 665 deaths, lame

It's kinda bullshit at times, random instakill blocks smattered all over the place
The secret character skeleton is pretty much required to beat the final boss, I guess if you're good enough you dont need to

A lot of trial and error which makes me glad I played easy mode, although maybe Im just bad at it too,

IDK it has that "retro" vibe that I dont like, where its more like megaman than anything and even the nerd looks like a megaman sprite,

its fine I guess but annoying

Played this before and after seeing Shin Kamen Rider and I liked it? maybe?
I mean, I got a game over then put another dollar in to continue, but it didnt continue, that sucks,
I had fun idk it wasnt anything awful, I kinda hate salvation to begin with but this was probably the best thing to come out of that movie

I fucking hate the classic mode bosses so much fuck this master core bullshit

Its like ALTTP but uh, better
I always thought of this as the New Super Mario Bros of zelda and while its kinda like that I also dont mind since for one thing this didnt get a ton of sequels and that formula did work for a reason
while the map is pretty derivative I had a lot of fun and even got all the Maimais

plus the painting gimmick adds a whole new perspective on the world, while I dont think it was used very well in the game its still a cool addition

super fun once I got my head around some of the different games
Marx theme goes hard

SO I played the 3DS port which, yeah is in 3D and I love playing Mario 64 this way
I also love the music and sonic stuff thats in here, the characters and details of what is replaced with what
its a lot of fun and I almost went for 120 stars but I got bored and I dont wanna deal with 100 coin stars on some of these stages

edit: I got 120 stars, also the 3DS port is version 2 so its missing a lot of extra things, damn

Very passable, the soundtrack is way too light and easygoing compared to the original and I hate it
mostly very easy but has some bullshit parts here and there, the final boss is dumb too

not all to interesting but a fun enough follow up, a time waster

Played this at a shop and it was fun, Megaman but just the battles, I think the machine broke
but anyways, snappy fun robot fighting, Protoman might be my main

I hate how the gold flower is so uncommon and you lose it after the level, whats even the point of this game besides "more coins" its just so lame and uninteresting given the idea

First person driving is terrifying, playable shyguy tho

Honestly I liked this a lot, it has problems I guess but the music is so good and everything is so charming and well animated
its just nice