A fantastic FPS that has aged really well in my book. It has a really good OST and the graphics are quite pleasant for one of the first games of its kind. The controls may feel a bit slippery at first, but then it becomes quite natural during gameplay since it motivates you to always keep moving to dodge the enemy attacks and bullets, especially in a game with a nature as oppressive as DOOM's. Also, it offers a wide amount of weapons you can get, and using them feels SO DAMN satisfying and fun.

I can gladly say I recommend it to any fan of FPS games as a whole, or even the most casuals of players. Trust me, you will have a good time with this one :)

A decent enough Genesis/SegaCD Sonic compilation that had the potential to be a lot better, but ended up cutting many corners.

+ Beautiful new cutscenes for each game (Thanks Tyson Hesse!)
+ Decent extra goodies on the museum.
+ First re-release ever for Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
+ Controls and physics are great, accurate to the originals.
+ Story and Mission modes are very fun.

- Little visual options (No pixel perfect, CRT, etc.)
- Island Tour is disappointing.
- The new music for Carnival Night, Ice Cap and Launch Base 💀
- There are islands and music for both Sonic Spinball and 3D Blast, why not add them too as games then??
- Some extra modes look really rushed (and they are lmao) because of the white boxes shoveled in the levels.

The game that once introduced me to the Rayman franchise as a whole, and thus it has a special place in my heart. The game's visuals are mind-blowing for the time it released, and the soundtrack is amazing as well (Band Land is a highlight, of course). Controlling Rayman feels very responsive and satisfying in general, specially when you get all of Betilla's abilities. However, the game gets dragged down when it comes to the sharp curve in difficulty, asking the player for extremely precise maneuvers in many instances of the latter worlds, which would frustrate/confuse non-experienced players. Hell, even I who have played this game numerous times still struggle from the second world levels onwards. Not to mention that in order to complete the game, you have to break open EVERY SINGLE CAGE IN EVERY SINGLE LEVEL for the final boss level to be unlocked (essentially an obligatory 100% completion), which would be fine if it wasn't because you have to trigger specific secrets for a lot of them to appear, so good luck with that lol

Overall, it's a good game that is a visual, auditive and controllable treat, but that may not be for everyone due to it's previously mentioned, glaring difficulty issue.

THE best Sonic experience I've had in such a long time. The soundtrack is inmaculate, the characters' personalities are portrayed in such an amazing way throughout the game and the story is really solid and enjoyable (I haven't said such a thing about a Sonic game in a loooong time, great job Ian Flynn!). Sure, there are some downsides: Grind-fest in many situations, the graphics having a lackluster drawing distance, and certain questionable decisions about the gameplay - especially in Cyberspace -, but those are small grimes compared to the MANY good moves Sonic Team made for this game.

UPDATE (October 7th, 2023): Since the Final Horizon DLC came out, I'm bumping up my score from 3.5 to 4 stars, mainly because of the WAY better ending and the greater challenges it brings. I fucking love this game bro XD

Really enjoyed the game from start to finish, the handcrafted aesthetic of the game fits very well with such a fun and relaxing series like Yoshi. The music is really good too and the level design it's very clever and intuitive most of the time :)

A really solid 3D Mario game that carries the torch from his previous titles of the kind, being Super Mario 64 the most notable one. Mario feels extremely satisfying to control and maneuver thanks to his really varied and flexible moveset, the environments in each world are pretty to watch (Especially the Seaside Kingdom) and the soundtrack is amazing as well.
One of the gimmicks this game introduces was the ability to capture certain enemies/objects and fully control them, and while I think it's a really fun idea and was executed well enough, I believe they could've stretched its use to more areas of the game. Another thing that imo brings this game down it's the HUGE abundance of moons that exist within each of the kingdoms, making their obtainance many times feel more like a chore, with many of them feeling like having no purpose whatsoever...

All in all, it's a really fun and awesome game, with a few lows that stop it from being perfect. I still really recommend it tho!