Parappa the Rapper is without a doubt one of the most interesting and unique games in the entire PS1 library, let alone its entire era. Its colorful and rather bizarre art style of 2D characters in 3D environments (kind of like Paper Mario does), fun rhythm-based gameplay, humorous story and a selection of catchy songs with a hip hop style all come together to deliver a solid and entertaining experience.

There are some downsides, though: The game is quite short on nature, with it only taking 1½ hour to complete. If you wanna go for the a 100% mark with all the "COOL!" ratings, that'll take you a little more, around 2 hours in total, but even so it's still a lackluster lenght. Another thing I'd like to mention is that the button timings are not exactly as merciful as you'd expect: Make an input a tad too early/late and you'll already be in danger of descending to lesser ratings, so you gotta make sure to get every single input on-point, especially if you wanna get the "COOL!" rating and maintain it, which is not exactly comfortable, especially with the BPM of some tracks.

Still, it's still a completely fine, innocent game one can really get attached to because of the charming characters and world it introduces, if not 'cause of the unique (although not always functional) mechanics and addictive OST.

It was only fair to finally give my favorite game of all time a corresponding review, so here it goes LOL!

Many of this game's aspects are top notch in my opinion, especially for a 2D platformer about a funni limbless hero guy and his friends:
-> The OST is extremely solid, with each song captivating the theme of every level in such an epic way for the player.
-> The level design is really good, it constantly invigorates you to always be on the move, interacting with the surroundings to activate special gimmicks on a stage and looking out for items and secrets that require precision to get, but have a big payoff. It's never a dull moment, honestly.
-> The graphics and artstyle combine together in such a fantastic way here. Every world has its own colorful and vivid vibe to them, and they are filled with so many cool little details, I love it so much.
-> The game itself has a lot of content to it, with a huge amount of collectibles, many different costumes for every main character, online challenges and minigames, and a wide variety of levels, including the majority from Origins and the Murfy version of some levels from the Wii U release, it's really cool.
-> I feel like the music levels at the end of every world needed their own section in this review because GODDAMN these are fun, easily the most iconic part of the entire game. Most of them are licensed songs like "Eye of the Tiger" and "Black Betty", but rearranged exclusively for these levels. The tone of each song blends in perfectly with the timings of your actions, and it's all so damn fun and satisfying when done right.

This game seems to have it all... except lore.

Unlike its predecessor Origins, Legends doesn't actually have a story, you could say this game is essentially a level pack of all things. The intro may look like the building of a bigger event throughout the game, but it only covers the first world and that's it.
And it's weird to me, given the fact that the Rayman series has always had a deep lore behind it, especially with Rayman 2 and 3. Even (again) Origins, the game that was stated as a "reboot" to the main series, had a story to tell with the dark teensy threatening the heart of the world, the fairies getting trapped and every king on the land being transformed into beasts.

Then again, that didn't stop me from enjoying the hell out of this game. At its core, Rayman Legends is all about fun over any other aspect. Its frenetic and chaotic gameplay (even more with 3 other players) and inmersive levels make it all up for an outstanding experience, solid at worst. If you like 2D platformers, this here is a solid must buy.

After so long as a Sonic fan myself and people talking so badly about this game, I finally gave it a try, and I wish I never did xd
I can AT LEAST see what they were trying to conceive with this game, it hurts my whole being to see such a huge potential go to waste...

The game itself is beyond rushed in so many aspects: Absolutely terrible loading times, barebones controls and full to the brim with bugs and glitches, not to mention the game's performance is atrocious at best. Everything that could've gone wrong here REALLY did.
In terms of level design, it's a 50/50 to me: Some levels are fair towards the player with their structure, while others are a total mess, especially in the sense of objects and enemy placings.
The story of the game is not exactly a good one, either. The dialogues between some characters feel lazily written and kinda forced, and a few of them (i.e Elise) were pretty much only present for the sake of the story and I didn't feel like they had a real motive to do what they do, honestly. Although, I appreciate the majority of the main cast being in character, that was really nice to see.

I guess it does have some redeemable factors, like the decent graphics and, of course, the awesome OST that distinguishes the Sonic series so much, but it quickly gets overshadowed by how messy and unpolished every single other aspect of the game is. It's infuriating, pathetic and most importantly, NOT FUN.

Played it for a few days and honestly, it's a really good racing game.
The graphics are some of the best I've seen for a kids game, the controls are great and the stage roster (based on the movie, of course) is really varied and suits the gameplay really well, it even brings back some Cars 2 stages. Also, many of the game modes the previous entry introduced are more polished and the mechanics work even better. Oh, and I guess the Thomasville open zone was nice too...

Although I gotta admit, they really gimped the character roster this time around, compared to Cars 2: The Videogame. We went from having like 50+ playable cars to less than half the amount, like WHO THE FUCK IS CAM SPINNER I JUST WANNA PLAY FUCKING CHICK HICKS LOL

But yeah, while I personally had more fun with Cars 2 overall, Cars 3: Driven to Win is worth playing as well. I main Fabulous Lightning Mcqueen btw

So a few weeks ago I remembered this game existed since - surprisingly - the game was finally updated to promote the Super Mario Bros. movie, and because the full thing was 50% off for the occasion, I said "yeah, fuck it" and bought it LMFAO
So, after beating both the 6 normal worlds and World Star with all of the coins of all the colors, beating the four special levels and grinding my ass off to unlock Daisy in Remix 10 (PRE-PURCHASE), what do I have to say about this game??

It was pretty ok, nothing too bad or too special, just ok. If you are familiar with the New Super Mario Bros. series like I am, you'll quickly figure out this game is just that, but it's an automatic runner and a much limited experience overall, which, in my opinion, is the biggest problem because the game is kept way too basic for its own good. I mean yeah, it may be fun during 30 mins to 1 hour, but the worlds' theme and level design are too bland to keep anyone interested on the long run, there's not much going for it, honestly. Still, I'm a sucker for Mario stuff, so there's also that lol

I could recommend it, but only if you've never played much of the NSMB series or you're more of the "basic but entertaining experiences" kind of person. Just please, take advantage of the (during the time of this review) ongoing Mario movie discount, 'cause the game is SO NOT worth 10 dollars xd

The best April Fools game I've ever played, no contest. The amount of effort put in this game is astonishing. A really solid story told straight to the point, the interactions with the other characters and their personalities are on-point and feel genuine, and the music is also very nice for the tone this game goes for. Legit a very fun visual novel to go through all in all, despite it being quite the short experience.
No other april fools joke will ever top this for me, ever. It's joever.

Yeah I'm not playing through the whole thing lol
Essentially a console port of the funni birds mobile game, but in three ways: Classic, Seasons and Brazil. 3 GAMES FOR $1.99 each on mobile, BUT $19.99 AS A PACK?!?
The controls are the same as usual: You sling and then you shot; you Angry and then you Bird; and to be honest it works really well on a controller, especially because it allows you to be more precise when it comes to angling your shots.

And well... that's all I can say about this, really? There are no more changes from the mobile counterparts worth mentioning imo, it's as standard as it can get. You'd rather go and download the original games on the app store anywa-

oh right.

One of the most unique and fun puzzle games of the bunch. I completed it way faster than I anticipated, but for a casual player the playtime is pretty fine. I love the concept for the portal gun and how the game invites you to play around with it to try and get different outcomes based on object positioning and momentum, I really dig it. Also the atmosphere of the game is phenomenally executed, it starts like a normal series of tests, but you slowly start to realize something is wrong to then start digging deeper within the facility, it's fascinating. Also also, GlaDOS is an amazing antagonist so far, hands down.
I can't wait to play Portal 2 now, I know it's gonna be even better!

PS: I'm so sorry, Companion Cube :(

Off to a good start with this franchise. I really enjoyed the game's presentation - It attempts to make you feel like you're actually playing an animated cartoon movie, and I believe they made a really good job at it. The cel shading and graphics look awesome as a whole, and the animations are vivid and expressive as heck. Also, the music is very cool and changes whether you've been detected or not, which enriches the game's atmosphere even further.

The gameplay is responsive and fun overall, I found myself getting used to stealth situations fairly quickly, and the upgrades as a reward for obtaining all bottles in every level are quite neat and useful. The only catch in this sense is I'm not a fan of Sly's """double jump""". Oh, and the missions with the other playable characters were fine, nothing too special but those were good fun for me. Sly's vehicles were pretty cool, with that said.

Definitely one of the most solid 2D Sonic fan-games of the bunch.
The art direction is the biggest selling point for this one in my opinion, it's just SO vivid and colorful! It also has a rock solid OST, the physics are on point compared with the Genesis Sonic titles, the concepts for each zone are really creative, and the special stages were quite challenging, but a lot of fun nonetheless.

With that said, I must admit that the level design, while it's not the worst I've seen in a game by far, it doesn't have much going for it either. Many of the levels focus a bit too much on gimmicks related to Loop-de-loops or sequences of springs that make you go side to side, sometimes to the point that the gameplay starts feeling kind of "automated", especially in zones like Raspberry River or Frozen Mountain.

Despise this problem and a few minor bugs during gameplay, Sonic and the Fallen Star is easily one of the best highlights of Sonic fan-games, the love and care put in this game really shows in both concept and execution.

This game is essentially DLC for the first DOOM. It repeats many of the things its predecessor did right, but they made it quite harder this time around (at annoying levels even, in certain situations). The level design is kinda weird and less intuitive compared to the original, especially because of the NUMEROUS GODDAMN LAVA PITS; the soundtrack doesn't go as hard; and the pacing of the game as a whole is really rocky, leaving almost no scenarios for you to take a breath from the big hordes of enemies.
The only things this game has going for it were the Super Shotgun and the new enemies, which I think were pretty fine overall.

I hate Arch-vile's guts to death tho fr

A very solid fan-remake that lives up to the original and then some.
There are so many QoL changes present in this version: A lot of new content got added for more replay value like skins and challenges; the difficulty curve is way more balanced this time around as there are more checkpoints and power ups in each level; collectibles like cages and magician tokens are saved upon obtaining them; the plot itself got expanded to add new enemies and locations, as well as developing the already existing characters even further, like Bzzit's exclusive levels or Mr. Dark having a brand new sidekick and being a bigger of a threat than he already was.

I am convinced by now that this is my preferred way to play Rayman 1, and highly recommend it for those who desire a more fun, but still challenging, experience.

One of the few Sonic games that I really feel divided towards. On one hand, the gameplay during 3D sections is really responsive and fluid, the OST is one of the best in the entire franchise, the wisps are really fun to use and well executed in my book, and the graphics are quite beautiful for a Wii game.
On the other hand however, the story is lackluster, the humor doesn't exist, the level design as a whole feels very rough at times due to some levels being really short and linear, and the characterization is really messy (especially Sonic himself), marking a before and after in terms of character inconsistency throughout the entire series.

I don't wanna sound rude about this, but thank god both Ken Pontac and Warren Graff were not writers for Frontiers 😓 (No offense towards them, of course)

14 years later and still such a nice experience. I'm personally not that much of a tower defense guy, but the charming and fun gameplay loop from this one absolutely won me over.
It has great music, a wide variety of plants to unlock and use, and of course many types of goofy ahh zombies to beat the shit out off with peas and corn. And besides that, you also have wacky minigames, puzzle games and even the Zen Garden to take care of your plants and relax for a while...

The only downside is that there wasn't enough of Crazy Dave and that makes me sad :(

A great game with awesome soundtrack, fun gameplay, wonderful art direction and a quite hilarious sense of humor imo.
The only things I personally didn't enjoy that much is that:

1) Some levels were a little too short compared to others, either because they were made for one specific gimmick or because yes. There's a notorious imbalance in that sense.

2) The different areas presented within this game feel... kinda disconnected from each other. Don't get me wrong, each area was a total pleasure to my eyes, but many times I couldn't help but wonder how exactly did Rayman and co. got to a different location between certain levels. That's an inconsistency that caught me offguard.

Nonetheless, I don't think these catches will stop the players from enjoying the hell out of this game, so make sure to check it out!

Now where is Rayman 4, eh? :)))))))