Lovely story following max and her old friend Chloe as the girls tie themselves up in the mystery of a missing student. play through the story as be or spend your time exploring all the different conversations and choices, either way the story keeps you entertained and tied on to find out what happens next. Game will make you both smile and sob depending on your choices and with a great sound track I couldn't recommend it more

It is what it is, a mini series.
It’s not a bad game at all and I ended up enjoying it a lot more after the first hour or so. relatively short so easy to get through.
I would recommend to a fan of the series however don’t hold your expectations up to the standards of the other games or you’ll be sorely disappointed, this is no clementine.

Well it’s a game.
Not the worse thing I’ve ever played but also not the best. Got lost with the story and didn’t know what was going unless I looked it up.
Got to the point where I was really just playing it to finish it rather than enjoying it.
So many markers on the map you can never find yourself and with the lacklustre story I’m dreading trophy hunting it

Really enjoyed this game, played it all through in one sitting. Has the same Free-roaming platform style as odyssey and I was entertained all the way through. Would highly recommend to die hard Mario fans and newer fans alike.
Long enough to keep you entertained and motivated but not so long that big boi bowser attacks get tedious or irritating.

lovely game, short but sweet. had a great time listening and learning about the stories of the other characters with a great sound track to go with.
not much game play, more of a sit back and enjoy reading game, so I would recommend it to people who like a good story and aren't to fussed about game play.
has also got me experimenting with my hot drinks in person now so take that as you will haha

Life is not dattebayo.....

A beautiful game about death, and helping the friends around you live out there last moments, along with a gorgeous sound track to go with. A game I would recommend to anyone, especially those who are struggling from loss as it paints a beautiful image of death and brings peace to those finally moments.
A delightful game, that deservers far more attention and that I will never emotionally recover from

a short charming click and point puzzle game with a beautiful art style and lovely soundtrack. play through a game of love and loss as you travel through the memories of your past

a charming choice based story about two girls and there journey through life and loss, beautiful art style, and lovely game for a cozy evening along with some tissues


adorable little game about a girl with the power to move segments of a map making her way back to her grandmother. puzzles weren't to tricky to figure out, and a charming little story overall

a heart-warming, gorgeous game with a beautiful soundtrack, reminded me of a studio Ghibli film. play as a painter, solving simple puzzles, and uncovering a story through your art. short and sweet, would especially recommend to Ghibli fans.

a very charming and funny game, filled with lots of puzzle, mini games, and fun characters. loved the art style especially, been waiting for this game to come out for a while and wasn't disappointed. my favourite part was the alligators

Brilliant game, had a fun time playing it, nice to just pick up at set down when you feel like it :) controls can be a bit tough at times, I especially struggled when having to aim, and found the times I did hit my target it was more by lucky chance rather than actually using the controls, however still kept up with the game and had fun

I’m always a sucker for a good ace attorney game, If you liked the first one, I’d also recommend this one. Love the games, you play as a defence attorney, and spend the game collecting evidence and battling you opponent in court trying to get a ‘not guilty’ verdict for your client. I would recommend if you enjoy a good crime story, and puzzle solving by piecing together evidence and testimonies.

really enjoyed this game, you play through three different characters stories in a world where androids exist. you get to play and live out these characters lives where the choices you make, really do matter!! leading to multiple different endings and fates for the cast with what you decide, it'll really have you on your toes and thinking hard! brilliant for those that love following a storying and piecing together bits of a puzzle, highly recommend if you played and enjoyed other games such as beyond two souls or heavy rain, as it follows the same style of game play, and they most often come in bundles anyways.

a charming game with an adorable pixel art style. The game follows the story of a girl where you quite literally unpack her life through different rooms.
Can either be enjoyed as a simple organisation game, or you dive deeper and look into the meaning behind items and their placement (which I would recommend for a fuller experience).
Short and sweet, and perfect for those cozy game lovers on a rainy day!