61 Reviews liked by Lefty





turns out this dating sim has a pretty compelling action minigame attached

By far the strongest Monster Rancher I've had the pleasure to play. Nothing compared to the joy of staying up until 2 am, the texture of the carpet pressed into my knees as I swap every single laser disc I could find in the house, eager to round out my encyclopedia with more and more weird monsters.

There's a game beyond it, yeah! It's pretty nice. Dungeons are a refreshing (if redundant) alternative to the "training to tournament" feedback loop.

you make sword and shield look like polished masterpieces holy shit

We're at the point where any features cannot be taken for granted in this serie. They removed set mode, the national dex, the battle tower, any postgame content. You can't even explore most houses and the stores are just menus. All of these sacrifices for a mediocre open world game that is barely able to run at 30 fps, a shitty gimmick that makes your pokémon change its typing and is very competitively balanced :) . And a pokédex smaller than DS titles that look like they could have been on the SNES. A disgrace to the franchise and to gaming in general.

game freak when they have a pokemon game due at 11:59

If you are interested in revisiting Re-Volt or playing it for the first time, I highly recommend downloading RVGL.


RVGL is a significantly improved version of the game made by the community and still being updated to this day. It is free to download and can be played with or without original game files as they have included made from scratch resources. As someone who has played Re-Volt in many forms, I can easily say that this is not only the best way of playing the game, but it does not in any way compromise playing the game as it was originally presented as all user-made content or changes are optional.

Simply put, this is one of the best and most unique racing games out there, and is probably the premier RC car racing game available, having never been topped since 1999. It is somehow just so enjoyable to drive these RC cars around in this game, and the weapons all mess with your physics meaning every hit from a weapon or collision with another car or obstacle creates a dynamic situation to where no race is ever the same. It's a fantastic game and I recommend you play it however possible, but I wanted to make a review with some advice on how to do so.

Re-Volt was purchased after Acclaim went out of business by a company that has done little for the game outside of porting it to mobile and trying to sell it on GOG with a community made patch without any sort of communication with the patches developers. It is now available on Steam being sold by some other shady company that again has done nothing more than make the game available for purchase with no improvements to performance or compatibility. I strongly recommend you do not buy this game from these companies, and instead download and play the community made RVGL source port which allows you to not only play Re-Volt for free, but also allows you to access thousands of pieces of user-made content such as more cars and tracks, as well as play online with a regularly active community, something not possible at all in the original.

Heroes of the Storm was made seemingly to be Blizzard's attempt at competing with big MOBAs that were gaining a lot of traction in 2015 like DOTA and League of Legends. In 2022, while DOTA and League are having multi-million dollar tournaments regularly, HOTS announced it was effectively entering maintenance mode. The game obviously couldn't compete, but in all honesty, I almost feel like it was never meant to.

Heroes of the Storm is a much more casual take on the formula with shared XP between your team, no gold or last hitting, no item shop, and a talent system in place of leveling individual spells. The simplistic nature of the game is probably more of a deterrent for most players who go after a MOBA style game, as the complexity and skill ceiling leaves more room for expression and improvement. Now, I dont think HOTS is an easy game, there still are a lot of heroes and mechanics to learn, but overall its more reasonable to learn this game while playing only a few occasional games than a game like DOTA. That, along with the games being much quicker, make the game a lot different and more arcade-style with a focus on the moment to moment gameplay instead of mechanics like laning or mastering farming patterns. This is accentuated by the variety of maps which all have different key objectives that both teams play around to gain an upper hand.

On top of being a more straight forward game, its also a good crossover. Genre defining franchises in Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo as well as characters from Overwatch and original characters created for HOTS come together in locations like Hanamura Temple and Alterac Valley. The heroes also talk to each other with unique quips and exchanges so it doesn't feel like any characters inclusion is forced. It feels like a pretty genuine game world with a lot of cool characters. And the last thing I admire about this game is viable to enjoy this game in a PvE setting with a dedicated playerbase of people who enjoy playing cooperatively versus the AI opponents. It's nice to see a MOBA with actually pretty solid bots that are worth playing against, and get in-game rewards for doing so. It is underappreciated by a lot of people understandably, but its nice to not be overlooked as someone who enjoys this type of relaxing gaming environment.

I just wanted to write this review to lament the end of new content for this game. With all the recent disasters concerning Activision Blizzard its hard to be a fan of the universes they created over the years, but even against my better judgement I still hold some of them in somewhat high regard, and I find that I can continue to appreciate HOTS for what it did for creating a game in a hostile genre that is easier to enjoy and experience.

Go to an online lobby, get absolutely destroyed by people who look like they are doing a tool assisted speedrun and then spend all your currency on Gacha Bom and unlock Pyramid Head and 600 other weirdos. This is easily the best no-nonsense Bomberman experience I could ask for, and the fact that it's a fan game is something I often forgot while playing. It has great online with it's own servers, an incredible amount of map layouts and characters, and every power-up you remember from Bomberman's entire history including Louies to ride. It's a great experience.

Its the last game in the F-Zero franchise to date, but it's certainly no slouch even when compared to X and GX. It's totally playable without any issues because of a fan translation. I played this game on mGBA at a higher resolution and graphical enhancements and I thought it looked great, the sprites are really high quality and the track backgrounds are pretty nice but are awesome when they are sharpened by the emulator. The game controls well and has every single racer from F-Zero X as well as several characters from the anime that were included in F-Zero GP Legend, the only characters missing are the newcomers from GX. So with a roster of 34 racers each with diverse and unique machines as well as 53 total courses spread across the different difficulty modes, there is a lot of content here on a pretty easy to digest high speed racing game. The track editor is also really great, it's very simple and its easy to make a track that's fun to race on. The game lets you save 30 tracks and exchange them via a link cable but even through emulation you can share tracks through the password system. You can have a password for your track generated and then anyone can enter that password to create that track instantly on their game cartridge to race on, which feels really ahead of the curve. I definitely recommend you seek out this game and it's translation patch if you can, it's a great F-Zero game and one of the best racers on the GBA that deserves more attention and recognition as its a great handheld counter part to the console titles that inspired so many racing games.

you can play welcome home by coheed and cambria in this videogame

I always thought I was allergic to "old games" but this has held up incredibly well over the years. Respect the classics. And the blown out backs of the twinks carrying them.

this game did something impossible and made black betty and eye of the tiger cool

the game is fucking but the music is amazing