alright gameplay but world is boring and story gets bad

Pokemon with metroidvania elements, meshes both ideas together very cleverly. The combat system is fun, and the game rewards you for making good team combos. You'll always be able to use any monster as anything you capture is a level or two below your max level monster. You unlock new areas by capturing monsters with specific abilities, like flight or breaking down walls. There are 5 main areas you can explore in any order you like, so long as you get the prerequisite monster to access it, making every playthrough a unique experience.
Few things I didnt like: The game doesnt allow you use less than 6 monsters, not sure why? Every monster can equip itself with 1 weapon and 3 accessories, and be upgraded with materials, but you cant store anything away, so you're left with an overwhelming amount of monsters and item clutter, making it hard to organize anything and make teams easily. Most of the music is boring and repetitive, had to play the game on mute for large chunks of the game, but the late game areas had some banger music at least.

Note that there is PvP but I didnt really mess with that content.

The game feels very unpolished. The game and combat mechanics both aim to make you feel miserable and punish you for trying to have fun.

Some examples:

Most of the game you struggle to gain gold only to spend most of it on healing items that scale in price as you play. You are punished for wanting to upgrade your gear, as suddenly the healing item that costs 30 gold now costs 500 gold, and still heals you for the same amount as before.

When you finally do upgrade your gear, it's irrelevant when there are enemies that set your defense or attack to 0, making it feel like you're not equipped with anything. Other enemies can just destroy your equipment, while other enemies can just eat the healing items you spent your entire bank on. The worst part was that it was actually common for this to happen in combat.

In the Frost Adventure expansion, your player would take damage every turn if not in a town. This meant that you really needed to invest every piece of gold on healing items, making the game just outright unplayable, as you couldnt move your characters for more than two turns without having to take a break to heal your characters.

Easily my favorite in the series. Lots of changes and additions that aim to keep the game fresh and fun, such as dungeon exploration, training up to 5 monsters at once, new battle mechanics and a customizable ranch to cater to specific stats for your monsters. I always got bored early on in the other games but this was very enjoyable

Unplayable and uninspiring, gets a 1 for funny competitive changes

I just wanted to play a game with Digimon but the horrible story is constantly forced down your throat, I feel like I'm reading more than I am playing. The turn based combat system is very simple and boring, there is no strategy involved, just try to do as much damage as you can. The Digimon all look great and the digivolution/training system is also cool and complicated, but grinding for hours for a poor combat system feels very unrewarding.

god dang it toby youve done it again

a game i wish i could forget so i can play again

the idea is good and a step in the right direction but it feels like im playing an early alpha game