8 reviews liked by Leostales

i may have only been able to adjust to this game at the tender age of 12 because i had a dogshit pc that couldn't play skyrim without it looking it like runescape circa 2005, but i still enjoyed every second i spent with this game. replaying atm on daggerfall unity!

I was having so much fun playing mods for Doom that when my dad said he could get me Doom 2, I didn't care much since at the time, it had few mods. Eventually, I did get it, and I continued playing it, by playing the mods and mostly ignoring the base game.
When I did play the base game, though, I was greeted with a pleasant surprise: vastly improved level design. I didn't care much for the base game of Doom 1, but Doom 2's levels showed such a huge leap in creativity and design that I was really surprised. So I give it a lot of credit for that. Still, I predominantly played mods, and this and Doom 1 defined my middle school gaming experience (while I still played SNES games).

he's picking us off like roaches

This is probably one of the best doom mods of all time if not one of the best FPS games of all time. Generally I tend to find most Doom wad level design to be lacking and repetitive/boring, but the coherent environments remind me more of a build engine game than Doom, which is a big plus.

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Surprisingly extensive with a ton of detail poured into the aesthetics. Looks incredible for the engine. Tons of variety throughout its three episodes ranging from typical shooting missions, to tank missions, sneaking missions, to desert temples with traps and platforming, or lengthy bonus missions inspired by Resident Evil. It's a ton more game than you'd expect.

It's also almost too much game. Episodes do wear a little long, with a few too many of the missions in each lasting 40-60 minutes. It's one thing to have one or two standout setpieces, but when half the episode is made up of missions competing to be The Standout it can run a little long. Some of those can run a little samey, too—the multiple prison missions tend to run together. There are only so many gray brick halls with jail cell doors I can run through before I lose track of where I even am.

But it's a good time with excellent shooting—as is to be expected from the GZDoom engine—and a large, and satisfying, suite of weaponry.

Worth it for any fans of the Wolfenstein series. Well, if you can put up with some of its bozo creative tendencies—some may feel a pulpy WWII romp isn't the place for a concentration camp level full of emaciated prisoners... who then are turned into zombies. Which you then fight. Your mileage may vary on how much that affects the experience for you.

This is not only a great mod, it's one of the best FPS games I've played. Amazing work.

The levels are huge, with a variety of interesting locales. The combat is fast and deadly, and although there are no headshots (a limitation of the GZDoom engine?), the gunplay is still quite satisfying. A grenade in close quarters will wreak havoc. And it's great to play an FPS where the shotgun actually has some frickin range. Some rudimentary stealth is possible, but enemies will notice and start attacking you fast.

It also makes me realize how much I love the grandiose mythologized version of WWII, with the Nazis secretly researching futuristic tech while also unlocking ancient occult secrets. It's historical fiction, science fiction, and fantasy all in one.

The game is a tad difficult on the default setting, being designed for Doom diehards by Doom diehards, but the easier difficulties still provide a great experience. For a first playthrough, I think the difficulty one notch below the default is just right.

This game starts out good, but then it keeps getting better. An instant classic.

The BEST Wolfenstein game ever made