172 reviews liked by Lin_Plus_

Covid really made us do anything didn' t it?

The only time a game can be physically exhausting to play and have that not be a flaw in the game

it's a bit disappointing how barebones it is but i think that the gameplay can absolutely stand on its own and im glad to have new levels

this should be like 30 bucks max tho not 50

It's brain training, plain and simple, but it does feel like wasted potential. Could've benefited from more minigames, more unlockables, more activities, etc. As of now, it feels pretty bare-bones after playing for a few weeks.

Played this for 3 years and now my brain is growing out of my ear.

I scream at Dr Kawashima for help, but his only response is a mysterious smile.

Cool, un point bonus car ça vous pousse à avoir une activité physique et l'idée est hyper originale !

I'm now built like John Cena and the Rock combined and I still haven't reached the end

Really fun game. The artstyle, the writing, the turn based combat approach to exercising and the multiple configurations to adjust difficulty are really well engineered.

I guess I'll always be playing this, but some time last year I finished the main campaign for the third (!) time and now I mostly just do custom fitness. It's really great for easing people into activity or as a supplemental activity or for when you're not feeling up to other things. The yellow (and some green) exercises are amazing for core strength.

Counting this as mastered, even though I only got four stars. I refuse to play through every single level four more times. Other than that, it was a pretty solid game. Took me the first few worlds to really get into it, and overall, I might even prefer 3D Land, but for everything that wasn't great before, it offers the excellent final world, with some unusually difficult challenges that were the most fun I've had with a Mario game since the final star in Super Mario Galaxy 2. Lower mid-tier 3D Mario game.

3 lists liked by Lin_Plus_