49 Reviews liked by Lingeriena

Bitches be like "I have my whole life ahead of me". No you don't, Onrush (14-26 slash damage) is coming 😂

"huh? who's my main in granblue fantasy rising? well take a guess! here's a couple of hint : i take night strolls around the neighbourhood to see of some people's pet are around to kick the shit out of them till they drop without a hint of oxygen left in them, i push olderly people in the highway and or the train track regularly, i love busting fat sperm cells in my hard working mom's dinner for the night, teach kids that they can freely steal stuff from shops if they gang up on the owner with some rusty screwdrivers, i switch underwear every three months, i actively resist the throught of assaulting my little sister and it takes all of my willpower at times and also.. oh you're ready to answer already? i had a lot more to say im not sure you can.. huh you guessed siegfried? man you must be a wizard lol! i wasnt even at the part where i love stuffing my face down with aborted fetus! man!"

Homer is rolling his grave because of this pale imitation of his work

"good dog" please stop im trying to kill people not get a boner

A game that feels incredibly satisfying to play all the way through which is especially incredible considering how noticeable it is that corners have indeed been cut all around.
Really good cast, really good new mons and an overall new direction for the franchise I can really get behind.
I can only hope that the amount of love and ambition the dev team has shown here will be met with more realistic deadlines next time

Hopecels be seething over Despairchads

Sonic and Knuckles look at each other like they wanna BANG.

longer than the bible and maybe more life changing

It's a perfect recreation of the high school experience, complete with that one friend who's really homophobic for no apparent reason that makes you look back and think "wow that guy really was a massive cunt why did I hang out with him" except everyone is homophobic including you

A game for which his legacy's much more than all the unfair shitty platformers we got after its release. A legacy of the cultural impact it had on the internet indie game freeware and flash gaming scene, as well as the die & retry and 2d platformer genres as a whole.

I genuinely consider IWBTG to be a brilliant package of level design and creativity when it comes to 2D platformers. Passed the frustration of the first unfair screens, I would say from the first Boss of the game, through each main zones, IWBTG keeps us surprised with clever ideas of subverting its die & retry nature to the point that, the game is like
fun y'know; and pretty funny too

And sure the controls are clumsy, with the eaten double jump when you fall from the edge of a platform even for a frame; the often glitchy hitboxes and awkward sprites works of stolen assets. But I think the game comes from a good spirit and a sincere willingness to create humorous scenes, and tends to be an often tasteful tribute to retro games.
The game is really ahead of its time, too. As an indie passion project that inspired so much of the soulless unfair clones of the early 2000's as well as many smart and fun 2d platformers of the era, I think we don't give enough credit for the sparse of creativity that this game bringed. Just look at the hundreds of surprisingly good fangames.

I don't think the game is unfairly hard at any point, actually it's pretty baffling how people saw this game as the 'pinnacle of difficulty' at the time, when in reality playing it as of today doesn't feel much harder than games like meatboy or celeste, and the game is much more generous with checkpoints in the lower difficulty than what people tend to say.
It's surprising how well designed the whole structure of the game is, especially when looking at its difficulty. Because while some bosses can be a huge spike of difficulty, not a single time was I in a situation where I was lost, couldn't figure out the right solution, or just felt stuck because the game was too difficult. It always stayed on the perfect line between challenging but not too hard to beat, and frustrating but not too frustrating that stepping on a new dumb trap that instantly kills you does more than amuse you at the moment. Especially because the game has so many ways to kill you in much more clever ways than the apples of the 1st screen. So great in fact that I just don't want to spoil it.

I think the worst aspects of it is how dated some of the jokes are, it really is a product out of the 2000's internet era with his overly toxic masculinity and 'gamer' jokes, among other tacky things. But honestly that tiny bit of jokes feel more than forgiven for all the much more charming aspects of its um funnyness.
Really that's about it, the game still feels fun to play nowaday and the impact of IWBTG cannot be understated. I'm glad the active fangame scene and the spirit of the genre is maintained and honored through all the indie platformers of the last decade or so. I can only wish I convinced you to try it out or even replay it years later because it's a sweet little gem that definitely gave me a lot of love and appreciation for the games it transpired to.

move away persona, this is the actual best friend simulator