Good Shmups/Bullet Hells for Genre Newcomers

A by no means definitive list of shmups that I think are good entrypoints into the genre.

The absolute best entry shmup that is also beloved by genre veterans. Zero Ranger is quite forgiving with resources and has a variety of challenges that gives players a taste of different kinds of shmup designs and playstyles. The story is also engaging in its own right which can't be said for most other shmups.

For reasons that I shouldn't disclose due to spoilers Zero Ranger also does a good job at encouraging the "1CC mindset" that is a big appeal of the genre without necessarily forcing the player to 1CC towards the end of the game, which imo is quite commendable.
Touhou Youyoumu: Perfect Cherry Blossom
Touhou Youyoumu: Perfect Cherry Blossom
A good entrypoint into Touhou and bullet hells in general. PCB is actually polished and balanced unlike EoSD and although the cherry border mechanic is gimmicky and as such may be confusing for new players, it works automatically in survival play and can only ever help the player by taking a free hit for them in a pinch.
Steel Empire
Steel Empire
Suggested by JaxMagnetic.
Sega Ages Thunder Force AC
Sega Ages Thunder Force AC
Thunder Force AC is an arcade version of Thunder Force III with some slight changes, but remains just as forgiving. The Sega Ages version is on the switch and includes an easier "kids mode" if the normal game is somehow too difficult.
Neko Navy
Neko Navy
I haven't played this yet but Cold Comfort suggested it.
Natsuki Chronicles
Natsuki Chronicles
One of the best recent shmups and has a wide array of difficulty modes and customisation options to tailor the player's experience to their liking. Playing on story mode means that you don't have to start the entire game again when getting a game over and the unique bullet trajectory display can help with learning how to read enemy bullet patterns.
Compile's shmups tend to be on the approachable side despite having lightning fast pacing, and Musha is perhaps the most exemplary of this style of gameplay. Be warned of the chain death potential on the final stage difficulty spike however.
Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony
Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony
Like Zero Ranger, Jamestown has a variety of challenges that gives the player a taste of both modern danmaku shooter gameplay and more traditional stage hazard design. Also quite an easy game that requires the player to push the difficulty upwards near the end but not too much.
GG Aleste
GG Aleste
Stand-in for the GG Aleste trilogy. Another series of fun Compile shmups that are also approachable for beginners. GG Aleste 1 in particular feels almost too easy.
eXceed 3rd: Jade Penetrate Black Package
eXceed 3rd: Jade Penetrate Black Package
A no nonsense touhou clone with fairly basic mechanics and lower difficulties that go relatively soft on the player. Also works well as a bridge for touhou players to get into the wider shmup scene.
If many shmup veterans are complaining about the game being too easy even on the highest difficulty, you know it's beginner friendly! The "euroshmuppy" upgrade system in Drainus might encourage some bad habits but regardless it's a visually spectacular, ambitiously creative shmup that might do well to hook new players into the genre with its blatant replayability.
The visuals and theming here are much more likely to filter people than the gameplay itself, because the standard mode of Deathsmiles is genuinely easy until the final stage regardless of the rank you select on each stage. A good way to get one of your weeb friends into CAVE shmups.
Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours
Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours
Darius Burst CS has an absolute ton of content most of which is fairly approachable so it might be a good way to get a new player to spend a lot of time with a shmup. The only problem with recommending this game is the relatively steep pricing.
Danmaku Unlimited 3
Danmaku Unlimited 3
Danmaku Unlimited 2 could also be here. Danmaku Unlimited 3 is a very flashy bullet hell that keeps things approachable with very adjustable difficulty options.
Cho Ren Sha 68K
Cho Ren Sha 68K
Added as per a suggestion in the comments. Cho Ren Sha is considered by many to be one of the best indie shmups of all time, and for a basic clear of the first loop it's really quite approachable. Patterns stay on the easy side until the last couple of stages and the game regularly gives you extra lives, bombs and one-hit shields.
Batsugun: Special Version
Batsugun: Special Version
One of the easiest retro arcade 1ccs of all time (at least for the first loop). A good entry point for people who want to get into the more boomer side of the genre.


3 years ago

thank you, i needed a list like this

3 years ago

Edited the list with a couple more additions.

3 years ago

If you're open to suggestions then I recommend Cho Ren Sha 68k

2 years ago

Nice list, could I reccomend Neko Navy, Blue Revolver, Mahou Daisakusen (Sorcer Striker) and GG Aleste would be could inclusions on this list.

2 years ago

I agree with the others but I dunno about Mahou Daisakusen. I find it quite hard and the power up loss when dying can be very punishing considering you can't always pick up the power items that spawn when you respawn before they fly off the screen

2 years ago

It is deffo a good game though.

2 years ago

ikaruga is a puzzle game tho :^)

2 years ago

If youre still taking reccs, Battle Mania Daiginjou and Steel Empire are good

2 years ago

I haven't played either of those but I know Steel Empire has a reputation for being beginner friendly so I'll add that one.

2 years ago

Resogun is very accessible and newb friendly

2 years ago

Updated the list to add the recently released Drainus.

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