Solid game in the franchise, only issue is ps3's version has a lot of clipping in cutscenes. But otherwise it's faithfully restored.

Peek ratchet and clank combat comes from leveling up guns and getting new cool armor.

Great gameplay that expanded a bit more on the second game. If you loved the second one, you'll like this one too.

Heavy focus on the combat, but it's edgy theme can be a bit weird at times. Still a good entry.

The game is fun, but it's focus on motion controls kills it at times and ruins some aspects like a weapon and etc. Thankfully can be turned off but for only certain things. But it was the start of a new ratchet and clank story line.

Great game, the only thing I believe held it back from a 5 star is ship segments are boring.

Bad. Needlessly difficulty spikes and weird controls/camera. The only reason it got a point was for it's armor system being rather unique.

Back then it was this series Metal gear solid ground zeroes. But unlike ground zeroes, it wasn't that great of a teaser game to what was to come.

Fun and short, easy cop on sale or for discounted prices.

Great game with friends, though it loses a point if playing this game solo. The main focus and fun come from trying to beat the cops with your friends.

Amazing seeing the halo games finally come to pc where they originally were. Only thing that lost a half point was halo 2's co op was non existent on pc for a long while.

Great seeing this gem come back to us, easily can recommend it to any fellow pilots, especially with a controller or flight stick.

Ez to get into and hard to put down let alone when playing with friends!

Great work out game for the lazy lol

Hard to learn or want to stay in the beginning, but gets interesting once time is invested into it.