Bounced off this again. I love Remedy, and the ideas and vibes here are so cool. But playing it pretty bland, and I just can't get behind the actual plot. Very unfortunate.

(For context I 'abandoned' this right at the end)
Sonic Frontiers reminds me a lot Pokemon Legends Arceus. Both are companies attempting to revitalise a franchise with sweeping gameplay changes and both are deeply frustrating.

To get the good out of the way: the music is fantastic, the world is lovely looking, and Ian Flynn manages to make the Sonic cast interesting in a game, which feels more and more like a rare feat.

Unfortunately, the actual game is pretty lackluster. Combat looks cool, but is marred by shoddy targeting and a weightlessness not helped by the fact that enemies are more "puzzles" than fights, which makes the inclusion of a combat system all the more confusing.

Movement is clunky, sonic will stop, turn and float seemingly at random and the camera switching from 2D to 3D at certain points doesn't help matters. (this is especially bad on the third island)

And despite my praise of Flynn's writing, I never really felt engaged with the full plot of the story, only really getting glimpses of something kinda interesting? Not enough for me to get fully engaged.

I hope Sonic Team keeps working in this design space, but Frontiers often feels more like a proof of concept they're selling for $100 rather than a "truly innovative" Sonic experience.

A game has never made me feel more old.

Increasingly complex Escape Rooms with fun and cheesy set dressing makes this a mast play for enthusiasts and a must try for puzzle lovers. Give it a look if you have Gamepass.

The newest Pokemon games are difficult to talk about. They are, on one hand, one of the buggiest and ugliest looking games Nintendo has put out, due to a mixture of Game Freak's unnecessarily small teams and Nintendo's hardware. On the other hand, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are the most inventive and unique Pokemon experiences made in the last few generations.

The story and characters aren't mind blowing, but there's enough emotional weight to carry three separate plots, and have them all come together in ways that make them feel equally satisfying and weighty, even if the Team Star story line isn't the most engaging.

Notably, there is far less customization than in Sword and Shield, which while thematically relevant makes having a trainer that feels unique to each player basically an impossibility; you will wear the shorts and you're gonna like it.

This is another interesting step forward for Pokemon as a game series, it just needed a few more months in development (or a bigger team) to pull it all together.

Unfortunate technical issues aside, this is easily one of the best Marvel games made in recent history. A fun story, interesting and well-written characters and some extremely fun gameplay make this a good time all around.

While I have been playing the series in reverse, it's incredible what a massive drop in quality this game is. Even with this re-release, the game is just a bundle of terrible ideas, uninteresting and unoriginal areas, and a complete lack of the weird joy and hype moments that were all over DS3 and ER.

If you're a Souls fan I can see the value in it, but if you're like me and are non-acolytes being dragged through by a friend just skip this one entirely.

A mixture of bland environments, completely nothing storytelling, watered-down and floaty Sekiro-lite gameplay and one of the most convoluted difficulty systems ever invented in the morale system makes this a hard miss on the part of Team Ninja.

Stellar acting, stellar direction and a powerful and affecting mystery makes Sam Barlow newest game close to a masterpiece.

Much like Barlow's other works however, the occasional lack of immediate direction and nature of certain clips and how you interact with them can make it feel frustrating to actually play.

That shouldn't keep you away from one of the most interesting and impactful games of the year.

While it's certainly the most personality-filled of Nintendo's platformers, Wario Land 4 spends about half it's time being a fun an engaging platformer and the other half being a frustrating and time wasting experience (especially the bosses). Really wish I left this one with a more positive feeling but alas.

Once you get past the somewhat boring opening half, this darker take on the classic Digimon Adventure story can be pretty tense and occasionally lives up to the hype of a horror genre Digimon story.

The visual novel sections are pleasant and are charming and thankfully interactive, but the brilliant combat rarely gets a chance to shine and neither really amaze more than in brief flashes.

This is a game for Digimon fans first and foremost, and probably shouldn't be on top of the "to play" lists for either SRPG fans or Visual Novel enthusiasts.

Return to Monkey Island is unbelievably charming, from it's art to it's writing. Looking to bridge the gap between the first three games and it's slightly rocky latter games, Ron Gilbert and his team have managed to cap off this legendary point n click franchise in the best way possible.

The writing is hilarious, and never falls into the adventure game trope of being overlong. The same can be said of the puzzles, which are the right amount of brain-teasing, with a handy hint guide that can be addressed at any time (and without any guilt, which I personally find irritating in older titles).

The art has a fantastic vibe to it, conveying a sense of wonder and childish whimsy, alongside being used in ways that made me laugh out loud.

I do highly recommend this one, even if you haven't played the others (theres a scrapbook at the beginning that covers the important points anyway) since at its core it's just a brilliant adventure title.

Might be the strongest of the three seasons joke-wise, TellTale's comic adaption manages to balance witty writing with enjoyable and interesting puzzles. Skunkape Games also added plenty of QoL features to make this complete package feel modern.

Occasionally the plot drags, and the puzzles do have that classic point and click weirdness but it's worth it for one of the funniest games ever released in the genre. Can't wait for the remake of Season 3.

This and Hi-Fi Rush has proven to me that this sort of Hack n Slash should always be sub-10 hours total. MGR has all the obvious stuff, the music is great, the combat feels engaging and smooth and the bosses are fantastic.

This is a Platinum title that has survived the re-evaluation of the company post-Bayo 3, although this is because it wasn't written in house. Platinum's lack of subtlety actually helps gets the games themes out even clearer, since war isn't used as a reference point for other ideas, but is the core idea being discussed, especially the role private militaries play in global politics.

This is a game well worth playing, and is close to the pinnacle of the genre, and is a hell of a lot smarter than all the memes might make you believe.

Yeah this one isn't doing it for me. I love DMC5, and adore the hack n slash genre in general, but this one just feels clunky more often than not.

I do understand people saying the game gets better once you get to playing as Dante, but Dante doesn't change the boring enemy design, confusing and cluttered levels and the general lack of engagement.

I also hate the parry. A lot.