186 Reviews liked by LoreW001

Compared to other Persona games, this one has very little actually happen in it, and yet still it's leagues above any of the others games, even the long-awaited Persona 5, and weirdly enough any of the other Katsura Hashino-helmed games that followed.

Most importantly, it has one of the two characters I first saw as a kid in 2014, who made me decide I would become a Robot In Real Life.

Persona 3 really came on it's own with it's charm and how the story is presented, the psp version may look more like a visual novel, but retains all the great aspects of the original while making the game play faster and more efficiently, I can't say it's the definitive version of the masterpiece P3 is but it was my favorite way of playing through it (and discovering the amazing world of Persona and Megaten with it)

The best version of Persona 3, now playable on the go! The biggest addition is the female protagonist, who has a great look and comes with a fair amount of goodies such as a pink version of the UI, some amazing new songs, and some subtle changes to social links to accommodate dating. I also liked how some of the walking is replaced by moving a cursor around, which makes the game feel snappier. It's a great port of a great game, and also you can be a cool lady. <3

This game is very special to me. It touched the very foundation of my soul and helped me through a tough part of my life.
I love everything about it, except maybe two or three social links.
It is my favorite Persona game.

genuine masterpiece
the final case alone is a 5/5 and it wraps up the trilogy beautifully

Best game in the series and a masterpiece ending to the Phoenix trilogy. No other prosecutor comes close to the GOAT, Godot. The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over.

Godot and Dahlia are completely iconic and memorable characters in their respective roles, and the last case is absolute peak fiction

Peak fiction in the form of a courtroom

The best game in its trilogy and easily one of the most satisfying conclusions to a series that I’ve ever played. On top of that it’s a great mystery with some insanely interesting and well written scenarios and characters. I have no reason not to give it a 5/5.

Well, to get this out of the way quickly, the game is by no means as terrible as some people here tend to point out. In fact, it was quite enjoyable in the sense that there were some really good characters, the protagonists are fun and the game knows where to be lighthearted.

The translation is rough at some places, namely the 3rd or 4th chapter, but the plot and the interactions are completely understandable and each character portrays their unique personality. I really don't get why people would complain about it if they are able to enjoy SNES era rpgs to be honest.

The story is interesting enough to keep you wanting to know more about the world and all the scattered lore about the Moonlight Witch, hyping her up quite well.

The combat is plain, straightforward and kinda slow, though you'll rarely need to grind at all as long as you kill some 3-4 monsters in each highway screen. The game is that easy. There's practically 5 bossfights in the whole game and if you reach the final dungeon at lvl 36 then the game is as good as beaten. The game being piss easy is a plus to me, because the combat being as lame as it is, the major attraction to this trilogy would be going quick into the story.

The only big disappointment was the OST, because aside from the Shrine theme, this rearranged, more symphonic take on the original PC-98 soundtrack really pales in comparition to any other OST I've heard from the Falcom sound team. But well, whatever.

My honest opinion is that you'll be completely fine playing this game if you have any experience with SNES era rpgs and don't come expecting a Trails-level game, which this game is absolutely not. I would strongly disencourage playing this as a standalone game though, since it's just not worth it against any other major game you might want to play at the moment. If you want to play this to dive into the Gagharv trilogy, then be my guest, I myself am going to continue with A Tear of Vermillion and keep writing about Gagharv, but if you don't want to compromise on playing 3 pretty dated games just for the story, then don't lose your time and play something objectively better.

It’s not good. I wish it was. The old Falcom versions on PC and Saturn look great but this just isn’t. It’s a shitty remake that was clearly rushed out the door with spelling errors and a piss poor battle system. The story is decent but everything else is just not fun. The music is a horrible arrangement. So, I decided to just skip the rest of Gagharv trilogy and just skip straight to TITS. I’ll come back if someone makes a translation of the Windows port or when my Japanese skills get better.

Run 3


The greatest flash game of all time. Spent dozens of hours speeding through the levels and 100%ing it while not studying for the Biology tests. Recently played it and it still holds up extremely well.

Almost as good, if not better than it's prequel Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors.

You see, this is the best VN ever. You need to play 999 first to understand but its worth it. I wont go into detail but it has the best story I ever saw in a videogame

The adittion of the AB game allows for so many different endings and is exactly what zero escape needed to become one of the greatest games I've ever played