186 Reviews liked by LoreW001

Now this is a game I'll never forget. Probably the best story I've ever seen in any videogame, with amazingly well-done characters. Fixes pretty much every issue 999 had with its story progression, and is full of plot twists that surprise you even when you kinda saw them coming. The puzzles are also incredibly fun and are also part of the story. A deserving sequel to one of the best NDS stories of all time.

Best Adventure Game since Virtue's Last Reward.
It's a "Golden Standard of Storytelling" like peoples said

This is one of the best sci-fi stories I ever experienced, and if you love sci-fi stuff then I think you owe it to yourself to play this game.

I am glad I introduced myself to the VN novel right before this game caught my attention, because that’s the only thing that would have stopped me from trying it otherwise, and this game being largely a VN is the only reason why I may not recommend it to someone.

Truly, I think this game is a masterpiece.

One of the best stories I've ever experienced. I genuinely have no idea how the writers wrote such an intricate and complex story, yet somehow have it make perfect sense in the end.

A masterclass in storytelling. I left this game with all kinds of feelings, many of them rooted in hope.

I had high hopes for 13 sentinels and it somehow surpassed most of them. I don't know how you can have this many characters and different sci-fi elements and still make a story as beautiful as this. Combat was pretty fun once I got into it as well.
Also a great one to play as a Japanese learner, more games should have all the resources you have here that help take everything at your own time.

Wonderfully tight and polished metroidvania with a wide variety of abililties and weapons. Can't emphasise enough how good to play this one feels - it's snappy and perfectly tuned. The souls system introduced here is brilliant, both allowing for a lot of cool abilities that get you into new areas, as well as a ton of optional ones that are just for fun. This was the first of the series, or even the genre, that I played and it's still one of the best.

This game really does have both the best boss and best final boss in the series

The best Ys from the "isometric era" (I just made up that). Simple but pretty graphics, tight controls, fun and fast paced gameplay and gorgeous OST. The pacing is on point, and the story gets its job done.
Difficulty is high, but never unfair and the world design feels very organic.
One of my favorite games of all time.

One of the 0.000001% that did not hate the gameplay. Everything else about this was great aside from slight story gripes that are a lot more major to others.

I'm blown away.
I wasn't expecting anything unique of Katana Zero, until I read and heard it's praise in this community. Before that I thought this is just another game with 80's noir aesthetics, just another game with an atmosphere I might like or just another game with cool fighting mechanics that would be fun for a couple of hours or maybe just another try at Hotline Miami. And Katana Zero sure excels in all of that, but ends up being so much more. I can't praise this game enough for the way it's built. The fighting feels absolutely amazing, every ability is fun and feels good. The sound design is impeccable. The music ranges from the expected cool adrenaline-pumping synthwave tracks, to the most beautiful atmospheric soundscapes I've heard in a while. And I've been praising video game soundtracks a lot lately, this is one of my favorites. Every moving part in here is stylishly crafted to a level of perfection I haven't seen in a very long time.
The way it's story is told is also mind blowing to me, because of the way they used narrative and audiovisual tricks to tell it in a non-linear fashion through unexpected twists and turns. I've never would have expected to find any of this in Katana Zero. And maybe that's why it ended up being so impactful for me, because I've never played a "2D fighting game" that had me at the edge of my seat for its entirety, because I wanted to know more about the story and the main character.
I urge you to play this game if any of the info you get on it speaks to you. Whether that may be the aesthetics or the fighting or you now knowing that It's story is great. You won't be disappointed, that's a promise.

Really fun gameplay and a super immersive story. Can't Wait for the DLC to come out!