186 Reviews liked by LoreW001

"Played Persona 3 as a nihilistic teenager and proceeded to have worldview changed" gang REPRESENT

The defining monument of my childhood, a beautiful amalgamation of exotic fantasy and beautiful magic. Not a masterpiece, but pretty damn close. The combat is perfection and the music is a contender for greatest of all time. The story is not for everyone, but it is special to those who cherish it. 10/10

Crack cocaine if it was a playable video game for the ps2

The ending streak of this game definitively proves that the main story side of KH is the WAY cooler side of it. How are you gonna look at Sora cutting through buildings and getting in a battle with Cyber End Dragon on crack while THIS is playing and go "yeah f*cking around with flounder is better"

Turns out every fan of this game I knew said it was a masterpiece because it is, crazy.

It's actually insane to see how far this subseries has come. Starting off from what was an interesting but deeply flawed first title, and continuing with a fairly improved but still off 2nd title, I couldn't even imagine that it would evolve into what I, and many people consider, the peak of the entire franchise.

It might be odd to start of talking about the story, but Zero 3 places far more emphasis on it than the previous entries. It has a genuinely engaging story with a really enticing amount of twists and turns that kept me wanting to experience more of the game beyond just trying its mechanics. It's one of the best strengths of the side series of Mega Man and it makes me wish that the classic series adopted it with its newer titles.

This game refines or takes apart every single element I didn't like about the previous games. The level design is rock-solid and didn't have nearly as many cheap pitfalls if any at all, and the weapon level up system is completely gone. The bosses are mostly stellar, with the only downside being that some of them feel a bit too easy. All of those and more make learning and mastering its mechanics so much more rewarding than the other two entries, and I can easily see myself replaying this one quite a bit.

This game embodies what I love about platformers as a genre, it does everything in its power to encourage skill mastery and is more and more rewarding as you fight on for everlasting peace.

Also cannonball is one of the best final boss themes of all time holy SHIT

Every time I boot this up again for a playthrough I think to myself "I probably just imagined that it was extremely good the last time." And then I play it and remember no, it really is just that fucking good.

would recommend for the final boss theme alone

This was the first of the series I played and possibly the best entry point. There was only one version, and it brought in a ton of changes that basically completed the formula, perhaps most notably making health persist between battles. Deckbuilding and grid based tactical action worked really well together, and the way moving around served both to aim your attacks and avoid enemy ones was brilliant. Super fun game, really dug getting to each new area, beating bosses and getting new chips.

Very short game and getting dash for the last few minutes sucks. Great gameplay, good music and great soul system.

This game is the only reason I'm not too embarrassed about liking and writing visual novels. I would deduct a point for having some puzzles I didn't care for it not for how immaculate everything else about 999 is

the game of all time. may actually be the best piece of fiction i've ever consumed

I picked this game up on a whim and I’m so glad I did. My favorite visual novel and DS game. Has my favorite story and cast of characters in gaming. It is seriously SO good!!

Banger game.
This is my first Fire Emblem game and the one that solidified the series as one of my favorites. I love the characters and map design. The story was inoffensive to my tastes and I found it easy to follow and ejoyable.

The music is the best out of the GBA Fire Emblems in my opinion. (Listen to "Truth, Hope, and Despair" on YouTube)

My first and favorite fire emblem. I like all the options in new fire emblem, but something about the old simpler fire emblem resonates with me more.