So I kind of got into the mood to check out more Cartoon Network computer games. And this is an orangutan-sized buggy, janky, crappy game. Wow this game was awful. Running and jumping animations incredible slow as hell. Loading into a new stage and getting hit for half or all your health before you can even move. Bosses straight up one-shotting you just because. Though I will say you can also cheese the bosses and enemies just the same. So that gets it half a star. Whether or not if it was intended, I absolutely do not recommend this. I can't believe I waste a whole minute and a half putting this game up on IGDB.

Damn this game was the epitome of mediocre. Like goodness was it just a snooze from beginning to end. I'm glad it wasn't that long or I would have quit.

This game is weird.

It tries to be a puzzle game but most of the times the solutions the the puzzles are illogical. Maybe that was the point but I wasn't really crazy about it.

It was a very simple game. A good hour or so was all it took to completion.

Also I hate the music in this game. Who seriously thought one track that sounds like a fish dying would be a banger?


This did I forget about it?

I use to play this a ton at the library with a bunch other people there. I met with lots of different people both online and offline. There was never a dull moment with this game.

I had so much fun then but then I grew up and forgot about this. I don't even remember what the game was exactly about or even the gameplay. But I'm giving it a 5 because childhood memories got me feeling things.

I really went for the stickman game as my first completed of 2023....

All in all, it was an okay experience. Not as much janky as I would have expected. Surprisingly this game aged well. But honestly I wouldn't play it unless you're insanely bored and absolutely dumb like me.

At least, the games I'll play can only go up from here though. Right? ....right?

Who'd of thought randomly deciding to buy this game I knew nothing about on release would be the best decision I made this year.

This game is fun, charming and exhilarating. I am not a fan of roguelites/likes at all. I rarely find myself having fun when I play them. But this was different and I'm so glad.

The story is really good, simple for sure but I didn't go in expecting much so it basically blew me away in that regard.

The combat system is really cool, it help make ever run feel super fresh. I also liked figuring out new combos. Its a really brilliant system, I want more games similar to this. The mobility in this game is amazing as well. From the getgo you have two jumps, two air leaps and one air dash. And with
accessories you can get even more mobility options.

The artstyle of the game is great obviously. It's the same artist as Bravely Default and Bravely Second, which I love a lot. It's so comfy to look at.

Even if you're not a fan of roguelikes/lites I recommend giving it a try. It doesn't limit you in options like others in the genre do.

The gameplay is honestly not that bad, I'm just confused with the decision to add so many random new things for a game with a complete story. I never felt like 6 needed anything extra. It complied all the lore of 3, 4 and 5 pretty well. I feel like I would "enjoy" it more if it was a new story. I don't even mind the fact that we don't play as Adol, it just feels so odd specifically because original game tells the full story already.

This is a pretty good game held back by the lives system. Seriously who thought adding lives to Pool was a smart idea...?

The music is enjoyable and the sprites look great. The challenges are really dumb, I have zero clue how you're suppose to do those and they don't feel interesting or worthful at all.

All I want to do is just play some regular old Pool with those nice jazzy tunes. And it does give that vibe off really well. So if you're into that this is for you.

I absolutely love it when a game lets me do super cool moves and combos by just button mashing. It helps me understand what moves do what and makes me feel like I'm having a good time. This game feels extremely smooth which just makes playing feel like so much fun. A perfect world would be if this game was released on modern consoles with rollback.

This type of game isn't a bad idea at all. But I'm not a fan of the execution. Especially the third and fourth phase. I'm not a fan of games that purposely try and mess with my sense of controls. Like left is right and right is left. I really really dislike that. If it wasn't for that, this game would be alright in my book but it's not so it's meh.

I forgot how fun this game is, so many secrets, and nice platforming. Jumping is a bit delayed but does not ruin the experience

The glow-up, GODDAMN!

This game is phenomenal, a thousand times better than the first game. It does everything right in my eyes.

First off, you are no longer secluded to one giant area. Instead you get to explore multiple small and medium sized areas, which I found more enjoyable. It feels like you're truly exploring space and going to different planets. It honestly did feel like a collectathon at points, probably why I liked it so much.

Second, the gameplay. There's only a few changes for Sophia and I actually really liked it. The reason why it's different is pretty iffy but I had fun controlling it so I didn't really mind. The Jason specific areas were great a lot better than the first thanks to the new mechanic of Counter. It helped make battles more interesting than just spamming the shoot button with the strongest attack.

Third, the story is also way more interesting than the first, plus the final level was hype as hell. The worldbuilding was great. And meeting other characters was cool. Helped make the world feel lived in and they all had great characterizations.

I'm all aboard the Blaster Master Zero train, very excited to play the third game. I'm really itching for what it's gonna be all about.

And lastly, Fred is best boy once again and he did SOMETHING this time! Three times in fact which is better than zero.

I use to play this all the time whenever I went to the library when I was younger. I forgot all about it, time to replay it.

EDIT: I replayed it and yeah it's still as fun. The crafting system elevates this game by a very high margin. One thing that I'm not a fan of is how hard it is to get certain items. I kinda wish there were stages where you could always get this one item so it wouldn't be too much of a grind to get. But oh well, I suppose.

This is probably the first game I've ever played that perfected Time Attack. I had fun with majority of the races. This was such a smart idea from the devs. Doing tricks or just straight up skipping half the area were just sick.

Also the ost bangs hella hard man. Transidor was my favorite place to do the time attacks. The way they made it was just really damn fun. Plus the music was the best in that area.

I got gold on all of them. So I'm going for all Platinum next.

A beautifully pixeled action rpg game using characters from a comedic show that I like? SIGN ME UP!

Honestly it was pretty fun, can't believe I slept on it for almost a year. All the major boss fights were so good and well crafted.

The OST were just banger after banger. But that shouldn't be too surprising since Team Ladybug is the developer. You might remember them from Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth (I did a review on it) or Luna Nights (which I haven't played yet but heard some track from). They're just master class at the pixel art work and music. I hope they make more games down the line and I intend to play all the ones that are out now.

Anyways if you looking for a good 2 hour to spend on a game, freeware btw, this is the one!