Yo this is such blast from the past. I remember when I was attempting to play every Cartoon Network game at the library. This was one of my favorites. I just replayed through it and yep still as fun. The combo system is so much fun because of how janky it is. I recommend it if you're into beat-em-ups, it's only 3 levels long.

In the new update, they allowed you to play as Zipper. I was like cool let me check that out. I just nonchalantly jumped in for a quick run, I wasn't play all that serious. I was expect to die to the first or second boss. But I somehow made it to the final boss and defeated him..IN ONE RUN! No clue how I just randomly got better at this game when I hadn't even touched it in like 3 months.

Anyways that was off topic but Zipper isn't too bad. With him you get to triple jump and your dash is faster but you lose the ability to heal so you're gonna have to spend money on the shop to heal yourself which isn't too bad. Plus your burst gives you invulnerability for a set time. He's pretty small though so you might lose track of where he is and/or his attacks. But if I was able to beat it, you should to.


This game is slightly better than the first one even though not much changed. For one, the controls are better, down is now crouch and not space. But you rarely crouch anyways. The levels are longer, which is more of a con for me personally but whatever. Collectible score points were added but I skipped passed them after awhile.

The platforming, jumping, and hard time seeing which objects are interactable are still a present problem but it didn't annoy me as much like the first game.

But you want to know what annoyed me....the stupid janky wacky final boss. Like seriously what the hell was that?!?! Ain't no way they put that in the game and went "Perfect, everybody will love this". If I wasn't such a kind individual, I'd double slap the rude individual who made that.

The start of a journey with the Dragon of Dojima.

I played this with the Restoration Patch cause I wanted to see how this game originally was. I'll probably play the English Dub on day just see how silly it is. But yeah the combat is very poor and limited, many fights are just won by spamming square then triangle and others were annoying with constant near speed of light quicksteps and invincible frames. Some bosses were just not that fun and many of the arena fights were a slog to get through. I had to just skip Jo Amon because grinding to get the weapons to beat him took forever and I just wasn't having any fun at that point. Also I have no idea if it was the game or me but when I try punch forward it would sometimes turn me around the other way. It happened so frequently I think it was just the game itself. But there were also moments of clarity where you'd but doing your square combo and square/triangle combo and there was something soothing about brutality beating down whatever enemies were in front of you.

That's something this game is a masterclass in; the vibe this game offers. It basically is like watch a B movie gangster action flick. I know I just threw out a gargle of buzzwords but I think they all fit this game to a T. The story was good it did lack in some areas (Jingu's Scenes -_-) but there were something it did really well.

I know I mostly just complained at the battle but I'd say to give this a chance just to see what the game was originally like. I literally wasn't even planning on finishing this game when I first started I just wanted to see how different it was from Kiwami and why certain people liked this more. I just was gonna play a few chapters in but then I got into it a bit and now were here. I get it now though, personally I'm either or since I'm not that crazy about the first game.

Also why is the end credits song Amazing Grace, what a weird song to put in this game.

It's been 3 long years since I first experienced this game on the PSP. I had just recently finished First Departure and was locked in for this series. And every since then I've been carving to play the rest of this series. And lo and behold we get a beautiful remake with QOL and gameplay enhancements. COUNT ME IN!

The graphic redesign of all the areas in the game were great. I never really though twice about them before but now I can't stop thinking about that. The new OST is pretty good, a few I wasn't too big on but for the ones I liked originally were done right. The new portrait art look amazing, a little bland in showing emotion compared to the PSP ver. but are objectively better looking. They made mages better and their moves look incredible. The new combat, formations and Assaults were all great additions, they made an already fun battle system even better. Also fishing.....it's ok but I liked Reef and her design.

The QOL is literally what I was wishing for when I played 3 years ago. I loved being able to see when PA were available, I missed some good one back then. Fast travel will always be a godsend. IC/Specialty made things a lot easier to understand. The new cutscenes were very good, a certain event had more impact thanks to it. The Challenge Mission and Sidequest were good additions, made me pay more attention to all the systems in the game. Being able to see FP/RP at anytime was significant better than having to go to Fun City, I could get several endings without it being a pain.

I see myself playing this game several times throughout my life. This remake is perfect.

This game is insanely fun, it's so easy to pick up and play. But to master is a different beast. The combos are so fun and feels very creative. The moon system and counter block are pretty cool even if I forget they exist like 80% of the time. Fights are so fast-paced that if you're not use to it you might get annoyed constantly. But that's why you practice if you truly want to get use to it.

I heard people were negative about this game so I went in with low expectations but I don't see anything I would consider bad or terrible. The music isn't bad and the stages are really pretty.

I may not know much about the characters but most of their design isn't god awful. Sure, some are boring than most but I don't really care, I'm not playing those characters so it's whatever.

Anyways it's a really fun game and I see myself playing it whenever I'm in the mood for it.

Damn this game was the epitome of mediocre. Like goodness was it just a snooze from beginning to end. I'm glad it wasn't that long or I would have quit.

Played this with a friend via Steam Remote Play and it was pretty fun.

It's essential a Zeldalike and Metroidvania and I think it does it well. Exploration was fantastic, we got 100% for the Map, and fighting enemies wasn't awful.

It's storytelling is similar to BOTW and I think it did it every well. I liked the relationship between Raquel and Alma. It didn't feel forced or unearned, it was cool. We played with the timer on and it wasn't a bad experience. Sure some Automatons died but we...kinda killed some of them on purpose.

Mechanics were ok. Hookshot was pretty janky, chips were just another thing to spend money on, Stamina system was bad but that isn't surprising, Parrying was good, the way double jump worked sucked, Spinner was fun and it was nice how elemental weapons affected the environment.

I will say multiplayer is pretty rough in this game. The camera only follows player 1 even in boss battle. You even teleport near player 1 if they're too far a way which can cause you to take damage for no reason. The models looks way to similar, only the hair is different which caused my friend and I to keep getting confused with each other a lot. But aside from that it always ran smoothly.

All in all, a good Steam game for anyone looking for some.

For First-Time players: For the love of god please read Hint Card 3, it will save you from annoyance later I promise

Actual Review: I absolutely love this game. I love all the nods to SOTN. The ost in this game is my favorite from all I've played and the story was pretty good as well. I'd recommend to any Metroidvania lovers, it's honestly fantastic. I also had fun collecting all the furniture, I'd definitely would live in that room.

I murdered 24 people in 30 minutes.
I am now a felony in 8 countries.
And I even went to an alternate reality to fight and kill my other self.

Let's just say Dodgeball took the saying "To Kill or Be Killed" seriously

Bro they got this on here...ain't no way

This is literally my childhood game. I played this probably a thousand times.

I was one of those kids whose first "console" was a Leapster Frog and I believe this was the first game I got with it. It is an educational game just like all Leapster games but man was it so fun. They really understood that learning game can teach but also be fun at the same time. I'm pretty sure this game taught me way more than school at the time.

I do wish I could play this again for nostalgia sake but unfortunately my mother threw it away since the Leapster explorer I had broke. I doubt there's an emulator for this either.

But I'll always have fond memories for this beautiful machine and game

I was getting ready to play the sequel to this game until I found out I got the bad ending. And missed out on the true ending. It was ok, Area 9 has a huge problem with being easily confused on where to go. It doesn't play like any of the other areas so all the "new" mechanics aren't explained at all, so it just lead to constant frustration. The ending was nice though and Sophia Zero was dope.

The music is awful, even if it's a demo that doesn't mean it won't be similar to it. Adding memes as the humor to this game isn't a bad take, it's honestly the only interesting thing about the game. Trying to spot all the memes you recognize can be fun in moderation. Not to much of a fan of the gameplay, it plays mostly like Slay the Spire. Personally wouldn't recommend it unless you want to see the memes or play a similar game to Slay the Spire.

So I kind of got into the mood to check out more Cartoon Network computer games. And this is an orangutan-sized buggy, janky, crappy game. Wow this game was awful. Running and jumping animations incredible slow as hell. Loading into a new stage and getting hit for half or all your health before you can even move. Bosses straight up one-shotting you just because. Though I will say you can also cheese the bosses and enemies just the same. So that gets it half a star. Whether or not if it was intended, I absolutely do not recommend this. I can't believe I waste a whole minute and a half putting this game up on IGDB.



No but seriously I hate this game so much; so so goddamn much. I honestly would have quit if there were more than three stages.

Let's get into why this game was bad.

1. Platforming is just janky as all hell. There were obstacles in my path that were very hard to see or noticed. Like legit I thought the game was just buggy after all these years but nope. It's suppose to be this stupid. As well as the wall bounce mechanic, it's literally the most janky thing I've ever came across and even I wouldn't torture my enemies with it. It never works as intended and it works when it's never intended. Along with the fact that jumping just sucks, sometimes you'll jump normal, other times incredible high or short and that it's made even worst when you die by the gajillion death pit you lose a life. When you lose all your lives you get send back to the very beginning. You can now understand why I was so grateful that I beat this malevolence piece of garbage.

2. The control layout is really weird. You would think down was for crouch but nope. Spacebar is to crouch.....for some reason.

3. The hitboxes are awful. Sometimes I would get hit when I'm behind the damaging attack or projectiles. Straight up annoying.

That's it really. I'm just glad it's over. Now I can peacefully delete this game's website from my history and memory.