A beautifully pixeled action rpg game using characters from a comedic show that I like? SIGN ME UP!

Honestly it was pretty fun, can't believe I slept on it for almost a year. All the major boss fights were so good and well crafted.

The OST were just banger after banger. But that shouldn't be too surprising since Team Ladybug is the developer. You might remember them from Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth (I did a review on it) or Luna Nights (which I haven't played yet but heard some track from). They're just master class at the pixel art work and music. I hope they make more games down the line and I intend to play all the ones that are out now.

Anyways if you looking for a good 2 hour to spend on a game, freeware btw, this is the one!

I hate this game, I despise this game and if I had a physical copy of this game I would throw it in the trash. Not being able to buy potions was annoying, the bosses having a ton of HP was a pain, the layout of the castle was literally awful, and the final boss having the worst theme I've heard in years. Nathan is a boring protag, Hugh is.....Hugh and Carmilla barely had any importance. Yep this is the worst Castlevania.

This is the most disjointed game I've ever had the pleasure of playing. Never again.

This game is honestly not that bad but man oh man does the AI suck a lot.

I swear it's like reading my mind, every time I play I do a different strategy and it just somehow knows exactly what it is even before I DO. But this greatly upsets me because then I'm forced to restart and figure out something else only to inevitable fail again.

I pretty sure I've yet to beat a round with skill yet, It's just been luck after luck or the AI decides to go stupid randomly. That's the problem though, I don't feel like I'm having fun because of that which makes it just hard to enjoy this.

This is probably the type of game where the enjoyment comes from facing a real opponent. So welp to me.

This game kinda sucks, but is also weirdly charming. Some moves are really hard to do in the moment, especially hard if you're use to modern fighting games. Though it can be pretty standard too since there's like only 4 moves in the game plus 1 special.

I don't think I'll ever play it again but it was nice to experience an SNES fighting game.

...I guess

Hoo boy, another Ben 10 computer game. Good news fortunately, this one is better than the last Ben 10 game I played. Bad news, it doesn't work on the official website and it's got janky mouse controls.

I actually had to play this game on a different website. So everything is all good, right? Wrong. Seems like the only way for this game to work is to speed up the fps and turn up the brightness way too goddamn high. Great....

Janky mouse controls plus speed up gameplay with an old computer game and guess what you get. A pretty bad time. The toughest Cartoon Network game I've played so far and it wasn't even it's fault.

But it was surprising fun. It played like pong but had power-ups (the aliens) and boss fights (well only 2 but still). Not a fan of limited lives, especially in this situation but it made me play way more carefully and give full attention than I probably would have.

I had to think when playing this, that was crazy. But I still got screwed thanks to the janky mouse controls here and there. So unless you like pong with some spice, it's probably best to stay away from this game.

Just noticed that I wrote my review on the wrong Wii U party game. Whoops, anyways.
Played this a couple of times at my friend's house back in the day. It was fun but I just wish it had more minigames.

I did not expect the game to play the way it did with this cover art.

But at least now I know the name of the game I was expecting to play. It's called Breakout.

Imagine being so bad at baseball that when you hit the ball with the bat and it goes backwards instead of forward.

Yeah, the angling in this game is pretty wacky. Kinda fun but not really. Tiny bit better than most sports games on the NES.

But at least I got one homerun so I can put that on my resume.

I played this before on mobile and I had completely forgotten about it. Since it on the Cartoon Network Website, I intrigued to play this to find out why I had forgot it's existence. And it became apparent in the very first minute.

It's an arcade style game. Where you just playing to get a high score and that's it. There's nothing wrong with arcade style games, it's the way in which they perform the high score gameplay loop that matters. Such as different terrains/backgrounds, power-ups, good music and fun gameplay that make players want to continue playing to get a high score than their previous run.

This game completely lacks that. The background stays the same boring green park area. It never changes at all. The music is just some dude screaming their head off with electric guitars in the back. It's a continuous loop and let's just say that it's not appealing whatsoever. The gameplay is just a standard jump, double jump, and slide. Power-ups are the most interesting part of this game. Some help you to avoid obstacles without you having to press a button for a set amount of time. Others make it so you can double or triple your score if you never miss a collectible or health. But one interesting quirk in a game with several average ideas are not gonna save an arcade style game. This probably would have been better if it took the level select route, especially if it wasn't going to make itself worthwhile.

This is basically my long-winded way of saying this game is some trash and you'd be better off never typing the game's name in the search bar.

This game was pretty damn cool. So simple but so unique at the same time. I can't believe this is a Coolmathgames I missed. It also pretty quick to clear, took me about 17 minutes. I'm sad I was 1% away from getting the 100% of map cleared but oh well.
I definitely recommend this fun creation to anyone

This game was incredible fun, I did not expect this level of excitement or pizzazz, the cover of game doesn't not give it justice at all. I will say the further I got in the game the more I found it tiring but I still had the same level of fun and enjoyment if that makes any sense.
The music is ok, not my type of tune but it fit with the atmosphere.
The enemies were no problem since I was normal except one. The goddamn gun enemies, I had more fun fighting my depression that I ever will fighting these losers. If I could decrease the amount of damage they did to me I would feel a lot more satisfied. Especially since there's a ton of them at a time and they have deadeye for some reason.
I will say the truck/motorcycle levels suck because the aiming sucks. If they fixed that, I think I would definitely be more willing replay this game.

I believe it was just like the first game but with cooler stuff

EDIT: I replayed the game on mobile and all the new added stuff sucks. The level design is awful compared to the original and the new cars doesn't really make sense. Making the game long felt super lame too. SO I'm lowering my score of this game, it was so disappointing.

Man I had some great times with this game. I really wish my 3ds didn't break, probably would have still been playing this today