I love this. Everything about this. Never though my personality would revolve around liking Collectathons but here we are.

The world in the game is so immersive. The art style and ost compliment it perfectly. I even went out of my way to 100% it, which I rarely do on a first playthroughs.

I really don't know what else to say. It was just a really fun 12 hours and I'm glad I was able to partake in it.

Even the ending was pretty cool. Please play this if you haven't already.

I really liked the game's dungeons, it was fun to figure out 80% of them. The ending caught me off guard because I didn't know the sequel was connected to this game

Yeah this DLC is kinda lame aside from being able to play as Robin.

Some events are just weird for no reason like why did Batman just get knocked out by a singular bullet after all he's been through. There's no cool epic final encounter and the ending just exist. It doesn't show anything interesting. I do wonder what was the point of this DLC, I guess aside from Robin gameplay and showing off how sad Batman is still.


This game was sorta fun, I didn't expect much since I've never played a top down shooter before. But it definitely was enjoyable to do the required challenges and all.

The customization was good as well. I stuck mostly to one build but sometimes I would switch around if I need to complete a map a certain way.

The soundtrack was similar to Neon Abyss, Midnight Fight Express, and My Friend Pedro. Which I mention in those reviews I wasn't really a fan of. But I kinda liked them in this game, no clue why. Maybe I'm slowly but surely getting to like this particular genre of music.

All in all, an enjoyable experience with an interesting dynamic of challenges and customization. I might try other top down shooters later down the line.

It's ok but it feels like it's missing something
Or maybe I'm just really bad and I want to blame the game
....probably the latter

This game was pretty damn fun, finished at lvl 49, never needed to grind nor did I. I really like the Spirit System, it made for some chaotic plays during boss battles but it helped make them memorable. I will say some bow and arrow puzzles were a bit of a pain sometimes but nothing absolutely awful or anything. The music is amazing, they did a great job, I didn't find a single track that I disliked. The areas being separated by stages were cool, especially since you could backtrack and explore other paths. I liked the story of Deedlit even if I was lost on some detail since I didn't watch the anime before playing. I'm interested in watching it though so maybe at some point. I recommend this regardless, a beautiful game with a relatable story.

A problem I had with the game was that it's a bit glitchy sometimes. Like if the enemy wasn't more than 85% on screen my arrow would go right through them and they wouldn't take any damage. In one of the boss fights, when the boss was attacking with a blue attack and I switch to the blue spirit but still took some damage for some reason. It never happened again but that was weird.

Remember a few days ago when I said Mom Hid My Game! was weird.

...yeah nevermind. This one takes the cake. Very violent and grotesque in the most oddest possible way.

Anyways I didn't like this game. No, not because it was weird, violent or grotesque. It's because this game was a pain in my--

I see that this was made a fangame for NES games. I haven't played much NES games but let me say if a good portion of them are similar to what this game throws at me, you...can keep them.

This was honestly worst than being a generic janky game. This felt like one of those purposeful rage games.

Like so many enemies or attacks you just couldn't dodge or reflex quick enough. And some of the boss were just pure annoyance, cough couch the final boss.

Or this is just me being bad at old games. Maybe I should exercise my right and check out these NES games and increase my skill level.....

This is a pretty fun game, even if I have zero clue who any of these characters are. I enjoyed how simple but addictive this was. The way everything comes together feels really good in session. A way better arcade style game unlike the one I last played cough "Ride 'Em Rigby: Regular Show" cough.

I definitely see myself coming back this. Imma need a higher score anyways. 2019.50m is way too low.

The idea of the game is interesting unfortunately it's not something I enjoy but I do recommend trying it out and seeing if you like it.

Damn this game is awesome. I never though Baseball would ever be this interesting.

It's just 4 simple actions but it evolves into one incredible specimen.

Whether online with randoms, with your friends or single player you will have the best excitement a game can give.

This is a unique take on the fighting genre and it works really really well.

The ost and stages are brilliant too. I've got some new music to add to my never ending list. And I never get tired of seeing any stages.

The year just started and I've already found a banger lol.

Edit: I finished the story mode. I liked it but the ending is pretty meh.

My mother said word for word, "This game is boring"
And she literally loves playing puzzle games for hours upon hours
So I think that says something special about this game

This game is such a grind. It was sorta fun at the start but at the end of the day, all it wants you to do is grind the same levels over and over again and watch ads. I couldn't stick with it anymore after a while.

Wow this game feels worse than the first one. Better looking but it honestly play worse. Its even harder to see grabs especially with the CPU spamming it constantly, as well as it's range being increased. The weird boomerang girl is incredible unbalanced, her range is so far for no reason. I swear her grabs and attacks, not even using the boomerang, hits me when I'm nowhere nearby.

A good chunk of them don't even look like frogs -_-
False advertising


What an interesting but tiring game. It is an arcade game ported to console. So you already know what that means.

Your goal is to get the green duck through each level safely for 80 levels. Yep, if you want to beat this game get ready to sacrifice several hours of your life. Especially with the fact that you have lives and credits to boot. Hoo boy!

TBH, it isn't a bad game. It kind of plays like a stealth game, where you avoid and dodge enemies and try to take them out before they do so to you. You can pick up fruits to get points, and get power-ups that make the levels harder or easier. And that in a sense can be very fun. It provides a satisfying arcade loop, compared to others I've played, but unfortunately I have zero desire to beat 80 levels.

I do recommend trying it out though. it does look really good and plays really smooth. The one ost loop isn't god awful, so that's better than my prior experience.