A very fun game with a great villain. Like SSSSSSS tier villain, I think they're the first villain I've ever liked.

It's not a bad game at all but it is a boring one. Until the last chapter anyways, I'm starting to think I've out grown these types of game though. I probably would have enjoyed this more if I had played this game when I cared for Pokemon. But now after playing I just feel empty because nothing felt gripping but that's only the fault of growing up. I don't wish to be a child again but I will miss my low sense of enjoyment I had back then.

I did not expect the game to play the way it did with this cover art.

But at least now I know the name of the game I was expecting to play. It's called Breakout.

Shadow Dragon was my first FE game so I've been a Tiki fan since day one. So it makes sense why I was so estatic when she was announced to be in the game. Literally my only reason for getting the DLC. I love that her map was a reference to FE3, that like never happens so that was cool. And it was a pretty fun map. I love that her bracelet turns you into a dragon, that was dope.

Three Houses DLC is pretty broken with the amount of versatility it has but those aren't my favorite characters so I don't really feel any emotion towards them. I do wish we got a map from them but eh it's whatever. I do find it funny that they were just randomly lying on the ground.

I did not enjoy this at all. Everything felt so slow and boring. Not the best first impression by a mile

This game kinda sucks, but is also weirdly charming. Some moves are really hard to do in the moment, especially hard if you're use to modern fighting games. Though it can be pretty standard too since there's like only 4 moves in the game plus 1 special.

I don't think I'll ever play it again but it was nice to experience an SNES fighting game.

...I guess

This game was incredible fun, I did not expect this level of excitement or pizzazz, the cover of game doesn't not give it justice at all. I will say the further I got in the game the more I found it tiring but I still had the same level of fun and enjoyment if that makes any sense.
The music is ok, not my type of tune but it fit with the atmosphere.
The enemies were no problem since I was normal except one. The goddamn gun enemies, I had more fun fighting my depression that I ever will fighting these losers. If I could decrease the amount of damage they did to me I would feel a lot more satisfied. Especially since there's a ton of them at a time and they have deadeye for some reason.
I will say the truck/motorcycle levels suck because the aiming sucks. If they fixed that, I think I would definitely be more willing replay this game.

I think I like the idea of it but.....I-uh.....have no idea what exactly I just played.

This game was pretty damn fun, finished at lvl 49, never needed to grind nor did I. I really like the Spirit System, it made for some chaotic plays during boss battles but it helped make them memorable. I will say some bow and arrow puzzles were a bit of a pain sometimes but nothing absolutely awful or anything. The music is amazing, they did a great job, I didn't find a single track that I disliked. The areas being separated by stages were cool, especially since you could backtrack and explore other paths. I liked the story of Deedlit even if I was lost on some detail since I didn't watch the anime before playing. I'm interested in watching it though so maybe at some point. I recommend this regardless, a beautiful game with a relatable story.

A problem I had with the game was that it's a bit glitchy sometimes. Like if the enemy wasn't more than 85% on screen my arrow would go right through them and they wouldn't take any damage. In one of the boss fights, when the boss was attacking with a blue attack and I switch to the blue spirit but still took some damage for some reason. It never happened again but that was weird.

I really liked the game's dungeons, it was fun to figure out 80% of them. The ending caught me off guard because I didn't know the sequel was connected to this game

A good chunk of them don't even look like frogs -_-
False advertising

This is a pretty fun game, even if I have zero clue who any of these characters are. I enjoyed how simple but addictive this was. The way everything comes together feels really good in session. A way better arcade style game unlike the one I last played cough "Ride 'Em Rigby: Regular Show" cough.

I definitely see myself coming back this. Imma need a higher score anyways. 2019.50m is way too low.

Wow this game feels worse than the first one. Better looking but it honestly play worse. Its even harder to see grabs especially with the CPU spamming it constantly, as well as it's range being increased. The weird boomerang girl is incredible unbalanced, her range is so far for no reason. I swear her grabs and attacks, not even using the boomerang, hits me when I'm nowhere nearby.

You have no idea how hard it was to remember the name of this game. It has been so long since I've last played it. This was one of my favorite pastime games whenever I went to the library. It's cool to see that this game has still been updated for this long.