It's really cool, You're on the Penultimate turn of the level and Your opponent Gains 3 Stars at Once... Pure Fun.

Honestly, it's a good game, it's one of the easiest fighting games to learn to play (this game catches my attention the most because of Isaac and Cave Story).

"Too black, Too strong"
"Too black, Too strong"


"Wrapped in black, in black, in black"
"Wrapped in black, Wrapped in black"

I Need to Say more?

Capitalist Cats. (it's basically a silly game more about getting achievements)

I lost Count of how Many times I killed this Funny Skeleton... I always Kill him the First try when I come Back to this Site... Please help me.

Very good man, The biggest Problem is the Bots are Unfair as Hell.

This game is very +/-,The story mode is very quick... at least it's fun to pass the time.

Very good game, play with the whole family.

Well KH 1 is a Solid game From Start to Finish, There are Some Parts that I find a Little unfair, But just a Little Practice and That solves The problem... And what a Beautiful Ending, Oh my God...

(in This review I will Only mention Wily Tower, The Three Games I have Already Reviewed)

Well... The Wily Tower is a Good extra Content for The end of The Game 4 Bosses, Fun stages... Honestly Nothing to Complain about The only "Bad" thing is That the Bosses are Very easy You can Defeat them All easily Just using the Buster.

Is it Just me Or has Metal Man's Weapon been Nerfed?

Of the three, It was The one I liked Playing the Most and It's easy And a lot of Fun to Play... The only Problem is that it's Very easy, Especially in Wily's tower, There are E-Tanks Everywhere!

Well... What I have to Say about This game is they Changed The graphics, The controls Got better and They nerfed Fireman... But it's a Good experience to play Megaman 1 Again.