16 reviews liked by Lucavli

IT'S A LIE! - Kokichi Oma, 2017

Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony is an interesting game in the series. Not only does it have some amazing plot, it has one of the wildest Chapter 6s we have seen from any Danganronpa game. That Chapter is so powerful that it causes mass debates and splits the community in two on whether it was a good or a bad way to end the series. Personally, I enjoyed this game, but I still hold Goodbye Despair above it, as personally I believe the game just has a better overarching plot, and better characters, not to take anything away from this game.

The story. First off, the monokuma kubs were so annoying to introduce in like the first ten minutes of the game. I swear they were only introduced to serve as a replacement for Monomi. This game definitely felt amiss with the introduction of Flashback Lights and then the whacky plot points, such as the Cospox moment, so it makes me understand the ending just a tiny bit more. I also enjoy the mistrust between the group in the first few chapters because of them believing there is a 'Mastermind' among them, I think that just made the group dynamics that much more interesting. The motives in this game are probably the most creative out of the three mainlines, and I especially enjoyed the mess that was the Time Limit with the special video on the monitors, that was so insanely weird, but fit a Danganronpa game. I enjoy Case 1, 4, and 5 the most, and I think that aligns with the majority, because each have their own set of unique plot twists that just make each case that much more intriguing. I want to talk about the ending. I actually don't have much problems with the ending as I mostly make memes out of it because this whole game felt like one big meme, but I do lean more to the 'I don't like it' category, and that's probably because I just wanted the series to continue, but I do understand it somewhat more years after playing the game.

Characters. Let's continue the tradition and continue the tropes! We got the shy boy, the emo girl, the misandrist girl, the horny girl, the robot, the shit-stirrer, the dumb muscle man, the overly optimistic protagonist, the bro side-kick, and the somewhat unstable girl. I will say that my opinions are DEFINITELY in the minority as my favourite characters are Angie (don't ask why it just became that way) and Rantaro. As much as I hated Kokichi at first, I just like the shit-stirrers and he probably resides in my top 5. There are some misses, but like Danganronpa 2, I don't actively hate any character, there's just some I have no opinions on whatsoever.

This game has the best artstyle and gameplay in the series. It's a visual novel, sure, but this game has a side-scrolling adventure minigame reminiscient of the 2D platformer Mario games. It also just builds on top of the Class Trial system and makes lying during a debate a feature, psyche taxi is also a great change of pace, and the mass-panic debate being a great addition to the list of minigames during a class trial. I will say that Hangman's Gambit has a third version, and mind mine is a thing, which I really have zero opinions about it. The big addition is definitely the Scrum Debate, and I wish they used it more than once a chapter, I just liked seeing what side of a debate each student would take. I also just feel like the eerie music, and music in general that plays throughout the game just makes class trials, and exploration around the academy that much more enjoyable. This game has officially ruined Clair de Lune forever, I will never hear it the same way ever again.

Also the deaths and executions in this game are brutal wtf? Did they get a psychopath to write this shit because who the hell came up with the Chapter 2 Execution, my god. Completely convinced every character in this game is a complete lunatic.

While not my favourite game in the series, I do enjoy it (though I doubt I'll ever replay it unless I want to replay the entire series for some odd reason). There are some misses, this game definitely has more highs than it does lows. In the very wise words of someone, IT'S ALL FICTION and IT'S A LIE!

UPDATE: I lied, I forgot about one character that had the weirdest arc oh my god Korekiyo why do you even exist. Even with, there's 15 characters that I either love, like, or deal with, and then there's Korekiyo, it's fine.

Oh my god. I'm still in disbelief at what I just played. Finishing this game made me increase both this game and Innocent Sin to a 4.5 star rating, it really is that great. Another persona game that makes me ugly cry at the ending of the game. Ooooh how much I love the P2 Cast and the world and the story. My opinions on the combat and dungeon design haven't changed as I still think they're terrible.

The story. My god I had some major whiplash going from mute Tatsuya to mute Maya. it felt super jarring at first that Maya went from a character who probably had one of the most important roles in Innocent Sin to a mute protagonist. That was kind of a turn off, but it didn't deter me from playing this amazing game. This game was all about deja vu, and the repeat dungeons and scenes truly symbolised 'Eternal Punishment'. I do enjoy this games story more than Innocent Sin because they don't dump the Xibalba and the Last Battalion stuff on you all in one go. I enjoyed how you had to sometimes fight some of your main party members as part of their development and plot, I think that just enhanced my experience with the game. The game feels extremely eerie with some shops being switched to different areas of Sumaru, and it works wonderfully, contributing to the setting of the game. Overall, a great story that literally had me bawling at the end of the game.

Gameplay, there really isn't much to say that's different from my Innocent Sin review. There aren't really any dungeons I enjoyed myself, and I hated all of the dungeons that made you fall through the floor and restart the entire thing all over again, terribly designed. I also disliked the final dungeon where you couldn't deal damage to a specific enemy unless you had a specific persona with you, that's also terrible. Honestly, the only reason this game and Innocent Sin aren't 5/5 is because of the terrible gameplay. I did use the velvet room this time around to try and get into the gameplay, and it was just plain annoying honestly. Play this game for the story and characters, not for the battling.

Characters. This game shows that they can write a great persona game with an adult-centric cast. Katsuya, Ulala, and the return of the persona 1 characters are all great additions to the roster, and I love the bickering between Baofu, Katsuya, and Ulala, almost reminiscient of Lisa and Eikichi. Baofu is great, not on the level of Katsuya, Ulala or Tatsuya for me, but I like his little monologues about being an adult to Tatsuya. But I have to talk about Tatsuya Suou, probably turning out to be one of my favourite characters ever. The turmoil and suffering he has to go through, and then the ending to top it all off really made me all emotional. He truly got eternally punished for committing an innocent sin. Persona as a series is just great at writing characters that make me fall in love with them. This cast might be one of my favourites casts ever, alongside Innocent Sins cast.

I said I was let down by Innocent Sin in that review, but I take it back. I am overly satisfied with the Persona 2 duology, it's great and I'll probably replay it eventually one day. It's gonna feel weird having completed all of the mainline Persona games, but I don't dislike any of them, and that speaks to the volume of how great they all are individually. Persona 2: Eternal Punishment was a fantastic game that had me hooked from the start.

Loved the story, to be honest didn't really enjoy the open world content. Felt it was rather lacking. Some of the proto-relic stuff was really good but the rest just felt like the same old Ubisoft formula. Turn on tower. Do meaningless objectives. Repeat. Still rather enjoyable.

Someone needs to be held accountable for that new Miles suit. I'm talking jail time or fines or something

It's just so average. The story didn't grasp me at all and I can't stress enough how boring I find the level design, grey hallways for the entire game. Even for 2012 the graphics don't seem great and the 3D map they use is awful which leads to frustrating issues getting around sometimes. There is nothing that stands out about this game, it's fine but I don't see myself ever coming back to it.

You know I knew exactly what I was getting into with this game and yet somehow I still left disappointed lol. While this game has a lot of charm and fun combat ( can be clunky at times ) there is still so much wrong with this game.

Lets get this out of the way first of all this game is on purpose trying to replicate the era of 6th gen consoles which is fine! I LOVE that era to death which is why I bought into this game right away. Issue is they are selling this game at a full $60 which quite frankly is a huge ripoff. I didn't mind myself because I had coupons for my store so I saved a good amount so I didn't buy the game full price I instead bought it at the price that is should have costed day 1 which was $20 lol ( $40 at MOST). You are paying $60 for a older type of action game with insane amount of issues ( at least on PS5) that will take about 6-8 hours to beat just let that sink through your head lol.

The story was there but uninteresting and boring you will find yourself really not caring lol. As I stated there are bugs and issues with this game ranging from poor performance in some levels , AI issues , Hard crashes , Save loses ( didn't happen on my end but I have seen it happen) , Annoying difficulty spikes later on, Trash bosses etc etc the list can go on for awhile honestly lol.

The last 2 levels are some of the worst designed levels I have played in a long time where the game just throws tanky enemies by the pack at you back TO BACK TO BACK TO BACK. While this may not seem like an issue the checkpoint system is utter trash and if you die anywhere in these segments you are starting from the START and this issue really shines in its final 2 levels that are simply atrocious.

There are some mini games in here and some are fun and some are not. there is a Shump game that was pretty cool , crane games which were fine and 2 Music Rhythm games that were terrible with strict timing on when you have to hit buttons and the screen layout making everything seemed cluttered making you get confused a lot and losing your combo.

Voice acting is cheesy and bad imo but honestly its a part of the charm and I did not mind it honestly but the comedy bits sucked.

I really wanted to like this game more and to be frank I did enjoy this game in its early levels. The combat can be very fun hitting combos and parrying into combos its all around very fun and they had something going for this game. There is so much charm in this game and I cannot knock it for that because it did nail the era so well but man by the end the issues just started being more prevalent to the point of unenjoyment which sucks.

I recommend this game on a deep sale at like $30 or below.

This game is not very good. I had a very good time though. It’s flawed, but oozes charm. Like, the bizarre dialogue coupled with iffy voice acting with an extra dose of horrible sound mixing should be a recipe for a bad time. But I found it very endearing. The actual story is not good, though. It starts off interesting, but has absolutely zero pay-off in any way, shape, or form. I don’t know if this is a time or budget constraint or it’s just bad on its own. Either way, it doesn't really matter to me.
The gameplay is a mix of linear combat levels, with some minigames and exploration of the police station in between them. The minigames are fun on the first go, but I never went back for seconds. And exploring the station was fun the first time, but after that you just kinda mindlessly run around it looking for new intel pick-ups after every level. It’s nothing special, but offers a nice repose from the combat. The combat is pretty simple, but effective. You have a sword, and some guns. I mostly played aggressively, not using guns for the most part. Just slashing around, and finding it very fun. Attacking, and parrying. This being a game made by former Ninja Gaiden devs, I’m sure there’s plenty of secret techniques that deepen the combat. But I’m a scrub, and don’t know anything about that. I did discover block canceling tho, and felt like a genius. The actual game is pretty hard. Those ninjas, man… A nice challenge is a good thing, but the checkpoint placement really grinded my gears. Dying could mean having to repeat like 5 minutes of constant combat which gets pretty annoying. But other than that, I honestly had a fun time.

yoo this is like that family guy star wars film but with kiryu and samurai

(very comfy and nice yakuza time that is the only thing i've played for the past month but i felt like the Japanese history and Yakuza parts of this kind of push against each other. this is like if that family guy film was trying to re-tell a huge political tale completely seriously in between the funny moments™️)

If you’re looking for pride, I have it.

Such an engaging time with some pacing issues and a conclusion I am quite unsure about. Combat that is engrossing but puzzles and environmental design that treats you like a child. I feel so conflicted with this game. But I love God of War. I love the amazing moments this game, this franchise has given me. With all the doubts and criticisms I hold, this is still a game that lives up to the legacy it has created for itself.