A short but fun horror platformer with minor puzzle solving, boss fights, and beautiful in game art that has some scary moments. The boss fights are about half fun, half frustrating. The story is steeped in Nordic and Germanic folklore and the game has an excellent soundtrack, culminating in a predictable yet gratifying final fight that features one of the most famous pieces of classical music ever composed.

Boring as all hell. Frustrating game mechanics like the raiding. Laughable, pitiful graphic design - the Anvil engine has terrible lighting and some of the UI elements like for the drinking games are pathetic and it's hard to believe an international massive company like Ubisoft thought they were acceptable. Full of bugs. Worst of all the game has way too much content, like Odyssey but twice as bad and a fourth of the fun.

R6 is the absolute shit. The level of tactical control and the amount of experimentation you could do mixed with being on the edge of tactical third person/first person shooter gaming when this came out made it an unforgettable experience.

I took off a half star because Square Enix, in their boundless incompetence, released a port that literally runs worse than the original game did. The framerate is atrocious and just like the Trigger release on PC, the game is essentially unplayable without mods.

I feel like this probably would have been on par with OG Red orchestra (the mod, the best of the Red Orchestras) but the maps make it almost impossible to actually see an enemy past 12 feet and you spend more time teamkilling than not, because everyone looks identical.

The first good Total War with proper firearm combat. Tons of campaigns, DLC and more gameplay than you'll ever finish.

FF11 was a decent early MMO if you ignore that dying makes you level down. I personally quit because you can't alt tab on PC without crashing the game. Any MMO that forces you to actually play the MMO is bad.

This game is what happens when you sell your studio to EA and cash their check. Generals is like a 3D remake of Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge, keeping all of the absolute worst parts and doing almost nothing new with the formula . Especially nothing good. It was funny to play at the time but a good game it was not.

This game never should have existed and it's clear that RE3 remake was a side project - they put their time into this abomination of a multiplayer game no one ever wanted or asked for. It's almost like Outbreak, except Outbreak was innovative and good.

Without having played more than an hour of Dragonflight, as a player since beta of WoW I can confidently say Shadowlands was the absolute worst expansion pack and version of the game to date. Every single thing is gated. Overlapping, interwoven systems of gating/grinding that make the slightest bit of power gain an insane chore whether it was Korthia dailies, Zereth Mortis dailies, mythics, etc. On top of that, the dungeons and lore were mostly boring and ridiculous and Sylvanas was already irredeemable trash before WoW even started, but the story once again takes a poop on the only remaining decent characters in the franchise and the Jailer is a boring villain.

Dreadfully boring game. I'm not sure how we let R* get away with stuff like this. It wasn't even fun - it was like Dead Rising without a story or interesting mechanics and with humans instead of zombies.

My only issue with this game is that they once agian, for like the 3rd time went with the same tired story of "Ah boohoo my family got betrayed now I'm gonna revenge." Same story in MW4, same story in MW5, same story in MechCommander 2.

The gameplay in this game would make it harder to functionally play at the same scale but MechCommander Gold did a far better job at capturing the scale of Battletech. This game is more like a prolonged campaign with a few friends where one of them has access to infinite units and money, and you actually have to play the game by the rules in BMR level 1. It's fun but do something we haven't seen.

Legion had some of the coolest shit in the history of the game in it. The entire intro questline, really the whole levelling experience, was epic. The dungeons were mostly awesome, as were Demon Hunters and the unlockable allied races like Nightborne and Void Elves. Artifacts were the coolest part until they were inevitably ruined for the storyline.

Meh. The standout features of this expansion were the new art style and the new focus on gardening and cooking. The dungeons and raids were alright but monks are still a boring class.

Help! Help me dammit! I'm sick of this shit. Everything is shit. My life is shit. EVERYTHING DIES. Including you and then when you die you turn in to a zombie and you can try to attack your teammates as long as a door, staircase or ladder isn't in the way.

This game was way ahead of its time and was released on the wrong system. PS2 had no functional online infrastructure to support a fully multiplayer cooperative game. The only reason FF11 worked was because everything it needed was part of FF11 - not "PSN", there was no PSN. Capcom did not do the work to make this game fully functional. You could only chat with teammates in the lobby before the game launched. In game you could only spam voice lines that were useless. There was no text chat or party chat. Capcom should remake this game like they "tried" to do with Resistance and RE:Verse, now that the features this game needed to succeed are all completely baseline for online gaming.