This game is what happens when you are inspired by Postal but don't actually have any funny or insightful commentary on society. The protagonist probably isn't wrong, but, has nothing to say, no character, and there's no point in anything that happens in the game. Just senseless graphic violence. If that was the point, the developer - who knowingly has ties to Nazi groups and has been made into a pariah - is wrong and misses the point of most media violence.

Aside from brief moments of "Heyyyyy remember that" this game is just an embarassment. The alien AI is broken, you get stuck in mildly inconvenient areas you should be able to step or jump out of, it drags on way too long and the human enemies are the worst part.

This game may be where arthritis started for most millennials. Combined with Killer Instinct, it's a wonder any of us can even use our hands anymore.

That turkey level. Spamming fart grenades in multiplayer was good stuff. All around a good game especially given when it came out and on what systems.

WoW's second best expansion. Blood elves, Draenei, Outland, an actual follow-up to the end of WC3, Illidan, actual fel orcs, demons, flying, and Paladin's weren't useless garbage anymore.

This game took the good parts of Battlefield 1942, ported them to a newer version of Frostbite, and took out proning which sucks but it was a fun game on XBLA and it's a shame it never got a PC release.

Never did get to finish this but the gameplay was on point. Not sure why Sega won't re-release it considering they've owned Atlus for a long time.

DoA 4 was better but this one's ok. At least, before they re-released it as a F2P game with $1700 of DLC.

I never could beat this game and anyone who says they could I don't believe them. The controls in the fourth level when you fight the Dark Queen in here space ship are just absolutely horrible. But the three levels before that are awesome. You've got the movesets of both the toads and the dragons to choose from and simple classic beat'em up gameplay.

One of the worst games I've ever played. Toads 2020' would be okay if it were actually a Battletoads game. As a reimagining, they nailed the actual Battletoads part. The progressively more complex enemy types and the background/foreground and puzzles are a cool change, but the problem is over half this game has nothing to do with Battletoads and is instead a whole lot of minigame garbage. The space minigame - not the space arcade parts - were the final straw for me. Absolute, early 2000s flash game Newgrounds trash.

Still probably the best Source engine multiplayer game. Graphically it was superceded by Sandstorm but the gameplay is still the best version of Insurgency, with a better squad break down and additional classes. The gameplay isn't focused around big wide open maps that promote air support, either, but close urban fighting. Plus Source obviously is more stable than UE4.

Stellar follow up to the original Shogun, although the introduction of the food limit makes this game - and several other games released since - a bit frustrating. Tons of DLC including the stand-alone Fall of the Samurai and graphics that are still decent in 2023.

SC4 made some silly changes from 3000 that made it way easier but still a top tier city builder back in the day.

The game that led to Call of Duty. It was the best WW2 game to date at the time and still is one of the best WW2 games.

This game was unique in that it was a somewhat realistic post apocalyptic survival game while also being an action adventure plaformer. It's unfortunate it never got any kind of full length sequel.