Games That I Will Never Play

For various reasons.

Fuck JK Rowling.
📢 David Cage, back away from the heavy racial subject 📢
Stand-in for the whole series.

My feelings about these games can be summed up by this ProZD skit.
I will never understand the appeal of this show.
Technically a stand-in for the whole series, but regarding this game specifically: can we stop with this whole "evil mental hospital" trope already?
David Cage is incapable of writing a female protagonist without having her be assaulted.
I hope Elliot Page and Willem Defoe fired whichever agent put them up to this.
Deadly Premonition Is A Bad Game; Please Stop Trying To Convince Me Otherwise.
Have I mentioned that David Cage is a hack?
Why did anyone let David Cage make games after this?
Aside from the fact that this game claims to authentically represent what it's like to be deaf while completely missing the mark, the story just makes no sense.


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