This game is still very unique and one of the best indie game experiences 8 years later, also probably the best OST in any game I have ever played

Everything was broken as fuck in this game but nobody cared, it was just pure fun. Also the story was great, a stellar sequel to MW.

Yeah this ones great and all but I prefer the vampire one.

This game does a lot of cool new stuff but also downgrades a lot of other cool stuff from prior games.


Best modern horror experience to date, shame what happened to it though.

Best narrative in any JRPG ever, and the most fun I've had with an MMO.

I love the story and world of this game so much, the characters relationships are my favorite in the series and the combat is still stylish and fun as hell to me. This game delivered on almost everything I wanted out of it honestly.

This game to me is what 7 is to everyone else.

I love this port personally although I've never played the original, some of the best characters in the mainline series and introduced some of the best jobs in the series as well.

One of the best modern JRPGs, follows the formula of if it ain't broke don't fix it.

A very solid addition to the franchise and a great JRPG overall, I have fond memories of playing this on the PS2 and I was surprised it still held up so well on 3DS as well.

I love the character customization and party building in this game, I really hope they try this formula again eventually because it makes this one so much more replayable than the others.

Improves the first games gameplay but the story is a downgrade, kinda short too but still worth playing nontheless.